Thread: SSA Special Session: Advances in Ocean Floor Seismology

Started: 2018-12-05 05:46:34
Last activity: 2018-12-08 06:16:33
Topics: SSA Meetings
Charlotte Rowe
2018-12-05 05:46:34
Just to flood your in-boxes yet more in today's flurry to solicit abstracts:

Please consider contributing to our special session on Ocean Floor Seismology at the SSA 2019 meeting in Seattle.

Advances in Ocean Floor Seismology

Marine seismology has enjoyed a rapid growth in recent years, as significant advances have been realized in sensors, deployment and data recovery methods. Continued development of these technologies have led to greater capability to pose, and answer, more questions regarding the tectonics, seismicity and geodynamics associated with the ocean floors. We invite contributions detailing not only recent and ongoing seismological research on the ocean floors, but also focusing on hardware, software and deployment innovations that can facilitate new revelations for ocean bottom seismological research.


Charlotte A. Rowe, Los Alamos National Laboratory (char<at>

Susan M. Bilek, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (sbilek<at>

Michael L. Begnaud, Los Alamos National Laboratory (mbegnaud<at>

We hope to see you in Seattle! Note: abstrcts must be submitted no later than 11 January, 2019.

Thank you,


(on behalf of the conveners)

Dr. Charlotte A. Rowe
EES-17, MS F-665
Seismologist, Geophysics Group
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Ph: 505-665-6404, Cell: 505-500-2486

"Never eat more than you can lift"
-------- Miss Piggy

************* Correspondence ***************

  • Please consider contributing to our special session on Ocean Floor Seismology at the SSA 2019 meeting in Seattle.

    Advances in Ocean Floor Seismology

    Marine seismology has enjoyed a rapid growth in recent years, as significant advances have been realized in sensors, deployment and data recovery methods. Continued development of these technologies have led to greater capability to pose, and answer, more questions regarding the tectonics, seismicity and geodynamics associated with the ocean floors. We invite contributions detailing not only recent and ongoing seismological research on the ocean floors, but also focusing on hardware, software and deployment innovations that can facilitate new revelations for ocean bottom seismological research.


    Charlotte A. Rowe, Los Alamos National Laboratory (char<at>
    Susan M. Bilek, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (sbilek<at>
    Michael L. Begnaud, Los Alamos National Laboratory (mbegnaud<at>

    We hope to see you in Seattle! Note: abstrcts must be submitted no later than 11 January, 2019.

    Thank you,

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