Thread: EGU session on repositories for Earth and environmental data, software and samples - call for abstracts

Started: 2018-12-20 19:50:13
Last activity: 2018-12-20 19:50:13
Topics: EGU Meetings
Dear colleagues,

with the usual apologies for cross-posting, we kindly invite all interested to consider submitting an abstract to session

Towards Global Networks of Trusted Repositories for Solid Earth and Environmental Data, Software, and Samples

at EGU 2019 (7-12 April 2019, Vienna)

Are you collecting / producing / storing anything that you expect to be around for a while, and maybe even useful to others over time? Then this session should be of interest.

Remember, abstract deadline is 10 January, noon CET.

Kind regards and Happy Holidays to all!

The conveners

Kerstin Lehnert (LDEO, Columbia, USA)
Helen Glaves (BGS, UK)
Lesley Wyborn (ANU, Australia)
Florian Haslinger (ETH, Switzerland)

==== session description =====

Digital data, software and sample repositories are now an essential part of the modern research ecosystem. By storing, curating and enabling access to their assets repositories provide a means to enable documentation, persistence, transparency and reproducibility of scientific research practices. Repositories can be institution-focused, domain-specific, or national facilities: each have challenges in fulfilling the diverse requirements of the Solid Earth and Environmental research community including meeting the new and demanding requirements of FAIR (particularly for scholarly communication) and for trusted repository certification.

Today, a repository cannot operate in isolation: there is a growing need for their assets to be globally open, discoverable, well-documented, connected, and persistent so that they can be used for the research problems of today and those of the future. This requires strategic alignments to be developed to create interoperable networks of trusted repositories that will provide the resources to answer complex Earth system questions.

We solicit papers from any repository of any size or maturity that stores data, software or samples from the Solid Earth and Environmental sciences, particularly those that are focussed on making their assets FAIR and/or are working towards forming networks that enable sharing of data, software and samples at either a community, national or international scale.

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