Thread: Register Now: Earthworm 5-day Course 2019

Started: 2019-01-14 14:54:55
Last activity: 2019-01-14 14:54:55
Topics: Other Meetings
Hi Everyone,

This 3 – 7 June, ISTI will host another of our popular Earthworm training
courses in New Paltz, New York. This will be our traditional 5-day course.
Our full ad may be found here:

We ask that interested students -- and any colleagues who wish to join --
please *register by 1 March* via our contact form on

We’ll cover:
+ Installation
+ Configuration
+ Troubleshooting
+ Archiving and Playback of data
+ Data exchange
+ Visualization tools
+ Overview of various non-Earthworm post-processing options
+ Tuning for Earthquake Location and Magnitudes
+ Programming new modules, learning APIs

In addition, we will provide a tuning session for anyone that wants to
bring their network’s Earthworm configuration to the course. We will show
you how to playback your data and tune the earthquake location engine.

This course will be useful to anyone setting up, managing, tuning, or
developing for an Earthworm system.

Again, if you plan to join the Spring ISTI EW 5-day class, please *register
by 1 March* via our contact form on Thank you in advance for your
confirmation of attendance.

Looking forward,
Your Friends at ISTI

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