Institution: University of Grenoble, CNRS
Open Until: 2019-08-31
The Institute of Earth Science of the University of Grenoble (FRANCE) seeks a highly-motivated, high-potential applicant for a PhD position to work within the research project ERC MONIFAULT ( led by Piero Poli ( The PhD student will work on the working package focused on integrated analysis of geophysical data to understand the nucleation of earthquakes in continental faults.
The PhD will work on:
• Detection and classification of seismological signals (including unsupervised machine learning) produced before significant earthquakes.
• Development and application of new methods to perform ambient noise cross correlation for monitoring the temporal variations of physical properties on the fault zone.
• Application high-resolution geodesy to resolve aseismic slip and/or other forcing on the faults.
The outcome of each analysed dataset will then be combined to unravel the physics of earthquakes nucleation.
The successful candidate must have a MSc (or equivalent) in Earth Science, Physics or Engineering. A letter of motivation, the CV and at least 2 letters of recommendation should be send to piero.poli<at>
Tentative starting date: 1st October 2019
Duration: 3 Years
Application deadline: Until position is filled
Open Until: 2019-08-31
The Institute of Earth Science of the University of Grenoble (FRANCE) seeks a highly-motivated, high-potential applicant for a PhD position to work within the research project ERC MONIFAULT ( led by Piero Poli ( The PhD student will work on the working package focused on integrated analysis of geophysical data to understand the nucleation of earthquakes in continental faults.
The PhD will work on:
• Detection and classification of seismological signals (including unsupervised machine learning) produced before significant earthquakes.
• Development and application of new methods to perform ambient noise cross correlation for monitoring the temporal variations of physical properties on the fault zone.
• Application high-resolution geodesy to resolve aseismic slip and/or other forcing on the faults.
The outcome of each analysed dataset will then be combined to unravel the physics of earthquakes nucleation.
The successful candidate must have a MSc (or equivalent) in Earth Science, Physics or Engineering. A letter of motivation, the CV and at least 2 letters of recommendation should be send to piero.poli<at>
Tentative starting date: 1st October 2019
Duration: 3 Years
Application deadline: Until position is filled