Kennedy Doro
2019-07-14 10:34:05
Dear Colleagues,
The "Advances in Exploration Geophysics" Session has consistently attracted interesting oral and poster presentation over the past 5 years. This year, in addition to encouraging participation from industries and academics, we want to promote active involvement of students and early careers (with active feedback during the session). Hence we are soliciting your abstract submission. Lets have another interesting scientific, networking and other career related interactions.
We look forward to receiving your submission on or before July 31 and see below for session description and link to submission.
Best regards,
Kennedy Doro, Science for Development Research and Teaching InitiativeAnja Klotzsche, Forschungszentrum JuelichNathan Stoikopoulos, University of TorontoLouise Pellerin, Green Geophysics
Session Abstract and Link to submission
We seek abstracts on the advancement of geophysical methodology, instrumentation, processing, modeling and/or interpretation as applied to conventional/unconventional oil & gas, geothermal, mineral and water resources exploration. Other areas of exploration as well as related environmental studies are also encouraged. Developments and case studies in seismic, electromagnetic, gravity, magnetic, ground penetrating radar, in addition to non-traditional geophysical methods and integrated techniques are welcome. Submissions on industry relevant innovations and applications are particularly encouraged. We aim to foster interaction between academia and industry in this session in an effort to bridge existing gaps and also seek to promote active involvement and development of students and early career presenters (with active feedback during the session). This session is in collaboration with the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG).
------------Kennedy Doro, PhD, PMP
Applied Geophysics & Hydrogeology
Haußerstr. 14672076 TübingenGermany.
Tel: +49 7071 1468885Mobile: +49 1766 2412548dorokio<at>
The "Advances in Exploration Geophysics" Session has consistently attracted interesting oral and poster presentation over the past 5 years. This year, in addition to encouraging participation from industries and academics, we want to promote active involvement of students and early careers (with active feedback during the session). Hence we are soliciting your abstract submission. Lets have another interesting scientific, networking and other career related interactions.
We look forward to receiving your submission on or before July 31 and see below for session description and link to submission.
Best regards,
Kennedy Doro, Science for Development Research and Teaching InitiativeAnja Klotzsche, Forschungszentrum JuelichNathan Stoikopoulos, University of TorontoLouise Pellerin, Green Geophysics
Session Abstract and Link to submission
We seek abstracts on the advancement of geophysical methodology, instrumentation, processing, modeling and/or interpretation as applied to conventional/unconventional oil & gas, geothermal, mineral and water resources exploration. Other areas of exploration as well as related environmental studies are also encouraged. Developments and case studies in seismic, electromagnetic, gravity, magnetic, ground penetrating radar, in addition to non-traditional geophysical methods and integrated techniques are welcome. Submissions on industry relevant innovations and applications are particularly encouraged. We aim to foster interaction between academia and industry in this session in an effort to bridge existing gaps and also seek to promote active involvement and development of students and early career presenters (with active feedback during the session). This session is in collaboration with the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG).
------------Kennedy Doro, PhD, PMP
Applied Geophysics & Hydrogeology
Haußerstr. 14672076 TübingenGermany.
Tel: +49 7071 1468885Mobile: +49 1766 2412548dorokio<at>