Thread: Invitation to Submit to AGU Session T022: Formation, Evolution, and Destruction of the Oceanic Lithosphere

Started: 2019-07-22 13:40:33
Last activity: 2019-07-22 13:40:33
Topics: AGU Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

If your research includes oceanic lithosphere and you plan to attend this year's AGU Fall Meeting, please consider submitting an abstract to this broad marine tectonics session: T022 - Formation, Evolution, and Destruction of the Oceanic Lithosphere. Please see below for details about our session:

Invited Speakers:
Catherine Rychert (University of Southampton), Brian Boston (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory)

Session Description:
The oceanic lithosphere plays an essential role in plate tectonics, the cooling of planet Earth, and in shaping the ocean basins. In addition to its formation at mid-ocean ridges and recycling at subduction zones, oceanic lithosphere hosts a broad range of intriguing internal processes and modifications at various time and length scales that remain to be fully understood. We invite new studies that explore these processes and attempt to characterize their lithospheric expression through a diverse range of disciplines, including but not limited to geophysical studies, drilling, geodynamic modeling, petrology and mineralogy. This session aims to comprise a comprehensive characterization of oceanic lithosphere, from the crust through the lithospheric mantle, with examples of encouraged topics including crustal accretion, oceanic heat flow, hydrothermal processes, fracture zones, hotspots, marine volcanos, crust/mantle anisotropy, continental margins, and lithosphere just prior to subduction.

Session Conveners:
Anne Bécel (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory), Jean-Arthur Olive (CNRS Paris), Joshua Russell (Lamont), Dominik Kardell (University of Texas at Austin)

Link for Abstract Submission:

If this session is not a good match for your research interests, please consider forwarding this email to your interested colleagues. Feel free to reach out to myself (dkardell<at> or any of the other conveners with any questions you may have.

Thanks for your consideration!
Dominik, Anne, Jean-Arthur, and Joshua

Dominik A. Kardell
Ph.D. Candidate / Graduate Research Assistant
University of Texas Institute for Geophysics
Jackson School of Geosciences

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