Thread: Post-doc position in hydromechanics at Clemson University

Started: 2019-08-01 23:13:22
Last activity: 2019-08-01 23:13:22
Flinchum, Brady (L&W, Waite Campus)
2019-08-01 23:13:22
Dear Colleagues,

A Post-Doctoral Research Scientist position in hydromechanics is available at Clemson University. The successful candidate will work on a project developing the next generation of high-resolution borehole strainmeters and evaluating their performance in field applications. The project includes developing novel multi-component borehole strainmeters, and distributed acoustic/strain sensors using optical fibers, and then testing the instruments and analyzing data from field sites in Clemson, SC and northeastern OK. Additional applications potentially include hydrocarbon reservoir management, hydromechanical well testing, hydrologic monitoring, characterizing strain due to tectonics or glacier transport, and evaluating geologic hazards.

The required background includes a PhD in geophysics, geomechanics, reservoir or aquifer mechanics, or related field. Essential experience includes analysis of geophysical time series, including seismic, strain or acoustic data, or pressure transients in heterogeneous formations using MATLAB or Python. Experience with forward and inverse simulations related to well testing, poroelasticity, or aquifer/reservoir mechanics will be valuable. Familiarity with conducting field experiments and analyzing geomechanical data related to carbon storage, reservoir engineering, hydrology or similar is desired. This is an excellent opportunity for intellectual and professional growth as part of a multi-disciplinary team of geoscientists and engineers.

The position is in the Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences Department at Clemson University. Clemson is in a beautiful rural setting in view of the southern Appalachian Mountains, but close enough to Atlanta and Charlotte to access the benefits of the big city.

Job Closes August 15th, 2019

Send inquiries to Larry Murdoch at lmurdoc<at>

Link to job:

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