Thread: USGS Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellowship on Induced Seismicity

Started: 2019-08-05 23:14:06
Last activity: 2019-08-05 23:14:06
We would like to announce a post-doctoral opportunity to use observational seismology to study injection-induced earthquakes in the central United States. We seek highly motivated individuals to analyze one of the many high-quality seismic data sets that have been collected over the past decade to gain insight into the physical processes controlling induced seismicity and earthquakes in general. Potential study topics include, but are not limited to: 1) spatiotemporal and statistical analysis of earthquake catalogs, 2) computation and analysis of earthquake source properties, 3) detection and analysis of time-dependent earth properties, and 4) numerical modeling of the seismic response to injection. While the candidate is free to use existing data sets or collect new data, we encourage proposals to focus on high-quality data sets that the USGS has already collected including: a seismic deployment in southern Kansas from 2014-2019, a nodal seismic deployment in northern Oklahoma, and an upcoming seismic deployment in the Permian Basin.

Applicants are encouraged to contact research advisors to discuss proposal ideas before developing a complete proposal.

Full Project description:

Please contact Justin Rubinstein with any questions: (jrubinstein<at>
Advisors: Justin Rubinstein, Elizabeth Cochran

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