Thread: (1 more week to register!) November 2019 Pacific Northwest Earthquake Events

Started: 2019-09-23 16:15:12
Last activity: 2019-09-23 16:15:12
Please note that registration closes on October 1st! (Registration link below)

In the last few years, there have been many scientific advances related to earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest, making some reflection and discussion of paths forward timely. Toward that end, the USGS PNW Earthquake Hazards Project and the University of Washington invite you to attend a series of events November 4-6, 2019 in Seattle:

Monday, Nov. 4, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm PT - Future Strategies for the Cascadia 3-D Velocity Model (max. 25 participants - FULL)
Tuesday, Nov. 5, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm PT - PNW Earthquake Science Workshop (max. 200 participants; tentative program below)
Wednesday, Nov. 6, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm PT - PNW Post-earthquake Planning Discussion (max. 35 participants)
Wednesday, Nov. 6, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm PT - A Public Forum on PNW Earthquakes (max. 300 participants)

All events are free and except for the Public Forum, will be held on the UW's campus, and require registration. The Public Forum will be at the Town Hall Seattle (downtown) and no registration is required. To register for any or all of the events, please fill out the registration form ( before October 1st; participation approvals will be granted in the order of registration receipt. If you feel it is crucial to attend but cannot do so because of lack of funds, please let us know by replying to this email with an explanation, noting that the availability of USGS support is extremely limited and that preference for funding will be given to students and early career scientists.

Questions or comments may be addressed to Erin Wirth (ewirth<at> or Joan Gomberg (gomberg<at> Please pass this announcement along to others you think may be interested.

Hope to see you in November!

---------------------- PNW Earthquake Science Workshop ----------------------

November 5, 2019 at Alder Hall Auditorium, University of Washington, Seattle

9:00-9:15 Welcoming Remarks

9:15-10:15 Faults on the Move in the PNW
- (20 + 5 minutes) Controls on seismogenesis in Cascadia (Michael Bostock)
- (20 + 5 minutes) Recurrence and fault slip (Rob Witter)
- (10 minutes) Discussion

10:15-10:30 Break

10:30-11:30 Faults on the Move in the PNW
- (20 + 5 minutes) Slow slip (Noel Bartlow)
- (20 + 5 minutes) Ground motions and seismic hazard (Erin Wirth)
- (10 minutes) Discussion

11:30-12:30 Lunch & Optional EOC Tour

12:30-1:30 Lightning Talks

1:30-2:30 Complexity and Cascading Hazards
- (15 + 5 minutes) Tsunami generation, propagation and impacts (Breanyn Macinnes)
- (15 + 5 minutes) Ground Failure (Alex Grant)
- (15 + 5 minutes) Lessons from recent earthquakes elsewhere (Yajing Liu)

2:30 -3:30 Posters

3:30-4:00 The Science behind Onshore and Offshore Monitoring
- (10 + 5 minutes) EEW science (Jeff McGuire)
- (10 + 5 minutes) Actual and aspirational offshore geodesy (William Wilcock)

4:00-4:30 Cascadia's Improving Image in Time & Space; Current & Future Experiments
- (10 minutes) 2019 Seattle basin and fault studies (Natasha Toghramadjian)
- (10 minutes) 2020 Langseth and piggy-back deployments (Juan Pablo Canales)
- (10 minutes) High-resolution dating (Jessie Pearl)

4:30-5:00 Future Foci and Frontiers Discussion

5:00-6:00 More Posters
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