Thread: OpenQuake Webinar/Workshop on Nov 6-7, 2019

Started: 2019-10-18 17:28:04
Last activity: 2019-10-18 17:28:04
Topics: Webinars
Hobbs, Tiegan (NRCAN/RNCAN)
2019-10-18 17:28:04
Please join the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation, the Geological Survey of Canada, and the University of Western Ontario for an OpenQuake Training Workshop and Webinar on November 6-7, 2019.

Insights gained through quantitative earthquake risk modeling are foundational to seismic design and disaster risk reduction planning at all levels of decision making. OpenQuake is a collaborative, open-source, python-based earthquake hazard and risk modeling platform developed by GEM Canada has been a public sector partner since 2017, working with researchers and practitioners from across the public, academic, and private sectors to advance capabilities for catastrophic risk modeling and to co-develop a National Earthquake Risk Profile for launch in Spring 2020.

This two day training will cover the theory behind the use of the OpenQuake engine for seismic hazard and risk analyses, as well as practical examples from Eastern Canada. The training will empower users from broad backgrounds to conduct analyses in their own regions, for seismic and volcanic perils, both for baseline conditions and for different risk mitigation strategies.

We invite all those interested to join us either online or in person in London, Ontario. A recording of an abridged version of the webinar will be available for participants following this session. Please register as a virtual or in-person attendee, or reach out by email for any questions.

Kind regards,

Tiegan Hobbs, PhD, MSCE
Postdoctoral Seismic Risk Scientist
Natural Resources Canada (Vancouver)

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