Thread: Geomagnetic Hazards Virtual Breakout -- Fri, Nov 1 @ 3pm ET

Started: 2019-10-31 08:54:23
Last activity: 2019-10-31 08:54:23
Please join us for an hour-long virtual breakout session to learn about and discuss geomagnetic hazards, related science objectives, and instrumentation/methods used to study these hazards.

When: Friday, November 1st @ 3 pm ET
Host: Anna Kelbert, U.S. Geological Survey, Geomagnetism Program
Invited speakers:
Christopher Balch, NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center
Jeffrey Love, U.S. Geological Survey, Geomagnetism Program
Sean Murphy, Chief Executive Officer, PingThings Inc.
Adam Schultz, Oregon State University
Rui Sun, Team Lead - Strategic Planning, Dominion Energy Virginia Power
Emily Wolin, Seismic Network Manager, U.S. Geological Survey, Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory

To join the breakout, please register using this link:

This fall, IRIS has hosted a series of virtual breakout sessions to highlight and discuss a variety of different geohazards that our community has previously studied and responded to. These breakout sessions are part of a larger IRIS initiative ( to procure a new set of instrumentation to enable a new rapid response capability based out of the PASSCAL Instrument Center.

IRIS also recently hosted an in-person mini-workshop on the afternoon of Tuesday, October 8th in Portland, OR adjacent to the SAGE/GAGE workshop. Talks presented at the mini-workshop, as well as recordings of past virtual breakouts, are currently being posted to

We look forward to your participation and input at the upcoming geomagnetic hazards virtual breakout.


Anna Kelbert, USGS
Justin Sweet, IRIS

If you have questions, please feel free to contact Justin at justin.sweet<at>

Justin Sweet, PhD
Portable Project Associate
IRIS/PASSCAL Instrument Center

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