I requested and received the data set 10-006 APOLLO .ASEandLSPE.segy files
but I need to know what level of data correction has been applied to this
set or whether it is unaltered from the original raw data.
Is this something you can assist with?
Rhys Milford
I requested and received the data set 10-006 APOLLO .ASEandLSPE.segy files
but I need to know what level of data correction has been applied to this
set or whether it is unaltered from the original raw data.
Is this something you can assist with?
Rhys Milford
Hi Paul,
I believe this information may be available in the reports for experiment 10-006.
Let me know if this doesn’t give you the information you need.
Nick Falco
Software Engineer
IRIS Data Management Center
On Nov 18, 2019, at 9:25 AM, Paul Milford <pmilfo01<at>mail.bbk.ac.uk> wrote:
I requested and received the data set 10-006 APOLLO .ASEandLSPE.segy files but I need to know what level of data correction has been applied to this set or whether it is unaltered from the original raw data.
Is this something you can assist with?
Rhys Milford
Data Request Help
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