Thread: Call for Nominations: NASEM Committee on Seismology and Geodynamics

Started: 2019-12-03 19:21:36
Last activity: 2019-12-03 19:21:36
COSG Call for Nominations

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine's Committee on Seismology and Geodynamics (COSG) is searching for new members. COSG was established in 2000 and serves as the focal point for community discussion and community-agency interaction on issues related to the structure, dynamics, and evolution of the Earth. The mission of the committee is to organize and oversee studies, workshops, and forums that will:

* foster and encourage understanding of the structure, dynamics and evolution of the Earth;

* review and define basic and applied research activities in seismology, geodesy and geodynamics that contribute to federal agency missions;

* address the transfer of seismological and geodynamics knowledge to areas of public welfare and national need including topics such as earthquake science; geological hazards; energy, mineral, and water resources; national security; global climate change; land-use planning; and public education;

* foster long-term national efforts to collect, store and openly disseminate seismological, geodetic, and geodynamical data of all types; and

* foster long-term national efforts to monitor geodynamical events as well as nuclear testing treaties using geophysical technologies.
The committee also serves as the U.S. member of the International Lithosphere Program. More information on COSG can be found here:

We welcome the nominations of volunteers with expertise in all aspects of geophysics, but are particularly interested in seismology, mineral physics/rock mechanics, magnetotelluric/electromagnetic methods, sea level/cryosphere-solid Earth interactions, and/or industry. The current membership is here:

Please submit all nominations through the online form by January 31, 2020. The link is:

If you have any questions, please contact Deborah Glickson (dglickson<at><dglickson<at>>) or Courtney DeVane (cdevane<at><cdevane<at>>).

Deborah Glickson, Ph.D.
Board on Earth Sciences and Resources * Water Science and Technology Board
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
500 5th St NW, Washington DC 20001
202-334-2024 * dglickson<at><dglickson<at>>

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