Thread: SSA 2019 Technical Session: Advances in Upper Crustal Geophysical Characterization

Started: 2019-12-06 19:00:37
Last activity: 2019-12-06 19:00:37
Topics: SSA Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

Please join us in Albuquerque, New Mexico from 27–30 April, 2020 for the SSA Annual Meeting and consider participating in the session entitled "Advances in Upper Crustal Geophysical Characterization" (description below). Abstracts are now being accepted until 14 January, 2020. Please see for additional meeting details.

Session description:
The upper crust plays a critical societal role, from access to clean water to the production of energy to the impact of geologic hazards. It is also our window into the layers below; geophysical variability in the near surface can be inadvertently mapped into deeper structure if not properly considered. With respect to seismic hazards and earthquake ground motions, variability in near surface geophysical properties can lead to an overall amplification or deamplification of strong ground motions, large lateral variability in site response, as well as resonance at specific ground shaking frequencies. With respect to groundwater, characterizing soil porosity, regolith development and fracture permeability all lead to better estimates of storage potential and groundwater flow rates. Geophysical characterization of the near surface is therefore critical to being able to address these issues. A vast number of methods exists with which to characterize the subsurface from direct methods that measure rock density and seismic velocity in-situ to indirect methods where seismic wave travel times, gravity, resistivity and other parameters are measured at the Earth’s surface, and subsurface properties are inferred. We seek contributions that include direct and indirect field observations, laboratory experiments and geophysical theory that link observation and expectation to studies that explore the impact of competing assumptions.

See you in Albuquerque!

Oliver Boyd, USGS Golden (olboyd<at><olboyd<at>>)
Bill Stephenson, USGS Golden (wstephens<at><wstephens<at>>)
Lee Liberty, Boise State University (lliberty<at><lliberty<at>>)

Oliver S. Boyd, Ph.D.
U.S. Geological Survey
Golden, CO
(303) 273-8617

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