2019-12-18 12:46:49
Dear Colleagues,
once again the Earth and Space Science Informatics (ESSI) theme of EGU features some fundamentally trans-disciplinary sessions related to the broad topic of the ‘research data lifecycle’.
They should not only be of interest to ‘data managers’ but to all scientists who interact with data - and who doesn’t?
So, if you have a story to share about your experience with Open and FAIR (data), the pitfalls and opportunities of identifiers, licensing or (meta)data management, consider contributing to
ESSI 3.2
The evolving Open and FAIR ecosystem for Solid Earth and Environmental sciences: challenges, opportunities, and other adventures
For those of you more on the repository operations side, check
ESSI 3.6
Best Practices and Realities of Research Data Repositories
And remember - abstract deadline for EGU 2020 is 15 January, 1300 CET.
Happy holidays!
for the convenors
Swiss Seismological Service
ETH Zurich
Dr. Florian Haslinger
NO H65
Sonneggstr. 5
CH - 8092 Zürich
ph: +41-44-633 4670
once again the Earth and Space Science Informatics (ESSI) theme of EGU features some fundamentally trans-disciplinary sessions related to the broad topic of the ‘research data lifecycle’.
They should not only be of interest to ‘data managers’ but to all scientists who interact with data - and who doesn’t?
So, if you have a story to share about your experience with Open and FAIR (data), the pitfalls and opportunities of identifiers, licensing or (meta)data management, consider contributing to
ESSI 3.2
The evolving Open and FAIR ecosystem for Solid Earth and Environmental sciences: challenges, opportunities, and other adventures
For those of you more on the repository operations side, check
ESSI 3.6
Best Practices and Realities of Research Data Repositories
And remember - abstract deadline for EGU 2020 is 15 January, 1300 CET.
Happy holidays!
for the convenors
Swiss Seismological Service
ETH Zurich
Dr. Florian Haslinger
NO H65
Sonneggstr. 5
CH - 8092 Zürich
ph: +41-44-633 4670