2019-12-18 09:54:19
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the following technical session in
SSA 2020 Annual Meeting (Albuquerque, NM, Apr 27-30). Please consider
submitting an abstract (Jan 14, 2020). We look forward to your contribution.
Advances in Seismic interferometry: Theory, Computation, and Applications:
Seismic interferometry extracts information from the ambient seismic field
and enables imaging in the absence of earthquakes or artificial sources.
Recent developments in seismic interferometry have benefited from the
increasing availability of continuous records of ambient seismic noise from
traditional broadband instruments and emerging new acquisition
technologies, such as large-N nodal arrays and distributed acoustic sensing
systems. This has opened the possibility of performing high-resolution
tomographic imaging anywhere dense networks are available. In addition to
applications in seismic tomography, the potential temporal resolution in
continuous seismic records provides the possibility of monitoring the
transient changes of subsurface properties for various geological targets
such as glaciers, volcanoes, groundwater, reservoirs, active faults,
infrastructure and even other planetary bodies. The utilization of
continuous seismic records meanwhile demands the development of computer
programs capable of handling massive data sets (terabytes to petabytes). *We
welcome contributions of recent advances in seismic interferometry on a
broad range of topics, including (but not limited to) theoretical
developments in amplitude measurements and structural inversion,
utilization of higher-order cross-correlations, new analyzing techniques
and computer programs, and novel applications across disciplines.*
Doyeon (DK) Kim
Xiaotao Yang
Tim Clements
Ross Maguire
Tieyuan Zhu
Nori Nakata
Ved Lekic
Marine Denolle
We would like to draw your attention to the following technical session in
SSA 2020 Annual Meeting (Albuquerque, NM, Apr 27-30). Please consider
submitting an abstract (Jan 14, 2020). We look forward to your contribution.
Advances in Seismic interferometry: Theory, Computation, and Applications:
Seismic interferometry extracts information from the ambient seismic field
and enables imaging in the absence of earthquakes or artificial sources.
Recent developments in seismic interferometry have benefited from the
increasing availability of continuous records of ambient seismic noise from
traditional broadband instruments and emerging new acquisition
technologies, such as large-N nodal arrays and distributed acoustic sensing
systems. This has opened the possibility of performing high-resolution
tomographic imaging anywhere dense networks are available. In addition to
applications in seismic tomography, the potential temporal resolution in
continuous seismic records provides the possibility of monitoring the
transient changes of subsurface properties for various geological targets
such as glaciers, volcanoes, groundwater, reservoirs, active faults,
infrastructure and even other planetary bodies. The utilization of
continuous seismic records meanwhile demands the development of computer
programs capable of handling massive data sets (terabytes to petabytes). *We
welcome contributions of recent advances in seismic interferometry on a
broad range of topics, including (but not limited to) theoretical
developments in amplitude measurements and structural inversion,
utilization of higher-order cross-correlations, new analyzing techniques
and computer programs, and novel applications across disciplines.*
Doyeon (DK) Kim
Xiaotao Yang
Tim Clements
Ross Maguire
Tieyuan Zhu
Nori Nakata
Ved Lekic
Marine Denolle