Thread: Ocean Bottom Seismology Session at SSA 2020

Started: 2019-12-18 21:41:00
Last activity: 2019-12-18 21:41:00
Topics: SSA Meetings
Charlotte Rowe
2019-12-18 21:41:00
Dear Colleagues:

We wish to draw your attention to the following technical session for the 2020 SSA meeting in Albuquerque:

Ocean Bottom Seismology – New Data, New Sensors, New Methods

The accelerating number of OBS deployments and research incorporating emerging
technology such as distributed sensing has propelled marine seismology into a leading
role in our field. New developments have opened doors for improving sensors,
deployment methods, analysis techniques and calibration and understanding of
propagation and noise characterization for the marine environment. We welcome
contributions outlining new seafloor seismic deployments, new data sets, new
methods and new insights within this growing branch of seismic monitoring and
exploration. Whether you’re imaging the lithosphere, modeling global or seafloor
propagation or focused on offshore seismicity or earthquake early warning, we hope
you will contribute to a lively session on expanded marine efforts.

Charlotte A. Rowe, Los Alamos National Laboratory (char<at>;
Susan L. Bilek, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (sbilek<at>;
Nathaniel J. Lindsey, University of California, Berkeley (natelindsey<at>

If your research involves the use of seafloor instrumentation, please consider contributing to this session. Please keep in mind that the abstract submission deadline is 14 January, 2020.

Dr. Charlotte A. Rowe
EES-17, MS F-665
Seismologist, Geophysics Group
Geophysics Focus Lead, Center for Space and Earth Sciences
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Ph: 505-665-6404, Cell: 505-500-2486

"Never eat more than you can lift"
-------- Miss Piggy

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