Thread: REMINDER - IRIS WEBINAR: Seismology in Alaska: Earthquakes, bears, and high-performance computing, 2/12 at 2 PM Eastern

Started: 2020-02-10 09:05:59
Last activity: 2020-02-10 09:05:59
Topics: Webinars
Please register for Seismology in Alaska: Earthquakes, bears, and high-performance computing on February 12, 2020 2:00 PM EST at:
Presented by: Dr. Carl Tape, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Abstract: Alaska is one of the world's prolific producers of earthquakes, including the 2002 magnitude 7.9 strike-slip earthquake on the Denali fault, the 1964 magnitude 9.2 subduction earthquake on the Alaskan megathrust, and the 2018 magnitude 7.1 earthquake below Anchorage. Earthquakes occur throughout the state and are a reminder of the active subduction, collision, and faulting that have shaped the highest mountains in North America. Over the past five years, seismic stations have been deployed in some of Alaska's most inaccessible regions. New seismic data provide opportunities to characterize new fault zones and to image complex subsurface structures, from the underlying Pacific slab to sedimentary basins within the crust. Complex structures produce complex earthquake ground motion that can be modeled using high-performance computational resources. I will discuss new seismic deployments, discoveries, and scientific frontiers in Alaska.

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