Thread: Save-the-Date - Marine Seismology Symposium - September 29-30, 2020

Started: 2020-02-10 13:32:24
Last activity: 2020-02-10 13:32:24
Topics: IRIS Meetings
[image: MarineSeismologySymposium-Banner.png]

The Marine Seismology Symposium will be held September 29-30, 2020 at the
Maritime Conference Center in Maryland, near the BWI airport. The symposium
will feature two full days of marine seismology science presentations and a
poster session. More information about the agenda and travel support will
be posted to the symposium website when available: Registration will be opened
at a later date.

The Marine Seismology Symposium will enable participants to share exciting
new science results, discuss future directions and key scientific
questions, promote and empower early career scientists by showcasing their
work and providing networking opportunities, and communicate changes to
critical marine seismic infrastructure so that research can be successfully
planned, funded, and conducted using existing and evolving tools. This
symposium is critical for growing and broadening the marine seismic
research community and will facilitate progress toward better understanding
of frontier science topics such as the processes related to geohazards like
megathrust earthquakes, tsunamis, undersea landslides, and volcanic
eruptions as well as the processes that control the formation and evolution
of ocean basins.

Comments are welcome and we encourage you to get in touch with the
organizing committee members with any suggestions, questions or concerns.

Looking forward to seeing you in September!

Kasey Aderhold (IRIS), Emily Roland (U of Washington), Masako Tominaga
(WHOI), Anne Tréhu (OSU), Bob Woodward (IRIS), Patrick Hart (USGS), Donna
Shillington (NAU), Sean Higgins (LDEO), Sean Gulick (UTIG), Monica Kohler
(Caltech), Helen Janiszewski (U of Hawaii, Manoa), Amanda Price (WUSTL),
Lindsay Worthington (UNM), Anne Bécel (LDEO), John Orcutt (SIO)


Kasey Aderhold, Ph.D.
Project Associate | IRIS TA Management
202-407-7019 | kasey<at>

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