Thread: help Remover Instrumental Responses

Started: 2010-10-01 19:55:35
Last activity: 2010-10-01 19:55:35
Topics: SAC Help
2010-10-01 19:55:35
Hi All!

I am using a SAC file download to wilbert, but it have IDEP = Unkwon. I need
that IDEP = velocity, then I try to remove the instrument responses.

First I download RESP file from IRIS RESP Service.

I used this RESP file and command trasfer, but I obtain this in screen.

SEISMIC ANALYSIS CODE [06/06/2005 (Version 100.1)]
Copyright 1995 Regents of the University of California

SAC> r 2009.302.
SAC> trans from evalresp
Extracting evresp response for DYA, BHZ...

Station (DYA ), Channel (BHZ )
Calper is not available. Cannot tell if response is normalized, so
transfer function will be used without scaling.
Calib is not available. Cannot tell if scale factor has been applied on
input, so transfer function will be used without scaling.
Waveform multiplied by 1.000000 after deconvolution.

Could anyone explain me the error? or Could anyone explain the correct form
to use command trasfer?, please


Astrid López

14:59:45 v.af9cd46b