Thread: IRIS DMC Real Time in Seattle will be down today for 15 minutes for maintenance

Started: 2020-02-26 14:40:55
Last activity: 2020-02-26 14:40:55
Topics: Real Time Feeds
IRIS DMC Real Time in Seattle will be down today for 15 minutes for a maintenance:

* Wednesday for ~ 15 minutes between 11:00 - 12:00 PST (Pacific Time) => WED 02-26 19:00 - 20:00 UTC.

* Real-time data IMPORT into the DMC will be stopped during the window - but data latency should catch up and decrease very quickly as soon as the maintenance window ends.
* The IRIS ‘BUD’ Monitor will not be available during the window - the monitor page should be up to date within 20 minutes after the window ends.
* Real-time data EXPORT from will stop advancing (though our backup RTSERVE instance will still serve data it will not advance) - but should return to normal within a few minutes after the window.
09:49:34 v.af9cd46b