I am trying to call sac within a shell script as follows.
while read line
cd $line
gawk '{print "macro ../sac_cut.macro"}'
cd ../
done < folder_list.txt
folder_list.txt holds the names of all the directory names that the script
is suppose to look in.
I see that sac is initiated but the problem is in executing commands within
sac once it is initiated. I have tried several ways of doing that including
printf and piping to sac with back quotes. Still I get the following error.
SAC> readline: readline_callback_read_char() called with no handler!
How should one execute sac commands within a shell script?
I am using sac Version 101.3b
Thanks a lot.
I am trying to call sac within a shell script as follows.
while read line
cd $line
gawk '{print "macro ../sac_cut.macro"}'
cd ../
done < folder_list.txt
folder_list.txt holds the names of all the directory names that the script
is suppose to look in.
I see that sac is initiated but the problem is in executing commands within
sac once it is initiated. I have tried several ways of doing that including
printf and piping to sac with back quotes. Still I get the following error.
SAC> readline: readline_callback_read_char() called with no handler!
How should one execute sac commands within a shell script?
I am using sac Version 101.3b
Thanks a lot.
Hi Januka,
Here's one way to do it. This is from a bash script that invokes sac
to change the "a" and "f" headers:
echo -e "r $sacfile \n ch a $a_time \n ch F $F_time \n wh \n exit" | sac
I'd bet there are much more elegant ways to do it too.
On 10/25/2010 10:20 AM, Januka Attanayake wrote:
I am trying to call sac within a shell script as follows.
while read line
cd $line
gawk '{print "macro ../sac_cut.macro"}'
cd ../
done < folder_list.txt
folder_list.txt holds the names of all the directory names that the
script is suppose to look in.
I see that sac is initiated but the problem is in executing commands
within sac once it is initiated. I have tried several ways of doing
that including printf and piping to sac with back quotes. Still I get
the following error.
SAC> readline: readline_callback_read_char() called with no handler!
How should one execute sac commands within a shell script?
I am using sac Version 101.3b
Thanks a lot.
sac-help mailing list
Derek Schutt
Assistant Professor
Geosciences Department
309 Natural Resources Building
Campus Delivery 1482
Fort Collins, CO 80525-1482
Thanks Derek, I modified your command line as
echo -e "macro ../sac_cut.macro \n exit" | sac
and still get the same error:
SAC> readline: readline_callback_read_char() called with no handler!
Aborted (core dumped)
cd: 25: can't cd to sac_cut.macro
I am thinking macro isn't seen as a command within sac by echo.
Thanks again!
Serenity isn't freedom from the storm, but peace within the storm
Januka Attanayake Global Seismology & Economics
The University of Connecticut
Beach Hall - U2045
354, Mansfield Rd;
Storrs, CT 06269
Tel : 860 486 0475 (Office)
860 486 3914 (Lab - P405)
--- On Mon, 10/25/10, Derek Schutt <Derek.Schutt<at>> wrote:
From: Derek Schutt <Derek.Schutt<at>>
Subject: Re: [SAC-HELP] calling sac commands within shell scripts
To: sac-help<at>, jattanayake<at>
Date: Monday, October 25, 2010, 12:31 PM
Hi Januka,
Here's one way to do it. This is from a bash script that invokes
sac to change the "a" and "f" headers:
echo -e "r $sacfile \n ch a $a_time \n ch F $F_time \n wh \n exit" |
I'd bet there are much more elegant ways to do it too.
On 10/25/2010 10:20 AM, Januka Attanayake wrote:
I am trying to call sac within a shell script as follows.
while read line
cd $line
gawk '{print "macro ../sac_cut.macro"}'
cd ../
done < folder_list.txt
folder_list.txt holds the names of all the directory names that
the script is suppose to look in.
I see that sac is initiated but the problem is in executing
commands within sac once it is initiated. I have tried several
ways of doing that including printf and piping to sac with back
quotes. Still I get the following error.
SAC> readline: readline_callback_read_char() called with no
How should one execute sac commands within a shell script?
I am using sac Version 101.3b
Thanks a lot.
sac-help mailing list
Derek Schutt
Assistant Professor
Geosciences Department
309 Natural Resources Building
Campus Delivery 1482
Fort Collins, CO 80525-1482
-----Inline Attachment Follows-----
sac-help mailing list
Hi again,
I've had a couple of responses from the members, thanks for your time!
However, none of them worked. I still get the same error. I am calling sac
within a while read line loop. Should there be a special way of calling sac
and executing commands if I do it in a loop? I haven't come across this
problem with other programs like GMT and taup at all.
my error msg: SAC> readline: readline_callback_read_char() called with no
and bash script:
while read line
cd $line
gawk '{print "macro ../sac_cut.macro"}'
cd ../
done < folder_list.txt
commands I've tried so far:
(1) echo -e "macro ../sac_cut.macro" | sac
(2) sac << EOF and !
macro ../sac_cut.macro
EOF and ! ==> doesn't work within a while loop
(3) printf "macro ../sac_cut.macro" | sac
(4) echo "macro ../sac_cut.macro" | sac
Thanks again !
On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 12:20 PM, Januka Attanayake
I am trying to call sac within a shell script as follows.
while read line
cd $line
gawk '{print "macro ../sac_cut.macro"}'
cd ../
done < folder_list.txt
folder_list.txt holds the names of all the directory names that the script
is suppose to look in.
I see that sac is initiated but the problem is in executing commands within
sac once it is initiated. I have tried several ways of doing that including
printf and piping to sac with back quotes. Still I get the following error.
SAC> readline: readline_callback_read_char() called with no handler!
How should one execute sac commands within a shell script?
I am using sac Version 101.3b
Thanks a lot.
"Nothing can start to exist nor can cease to exist, only transformation is
Januka Attanayake
Solid Earth Geophysics & Economics
University of Connecticut
Beach Hall U-2045
354,Mansfield Rd;
Storrs.CT 06269
Tel: +1 860 486 0475 (Office)
+1 860 486 3914 (Lab - P405)
Hi ,
This Cshell script may run (I cannot test at this time) .
the file a.csh :
foreach dir ( ` cat folder_list.txt ` ) # note that there two backquotes
cd $dir
echo macro ../sac_cut.macro > macro.tmp # the last line of the sac_cut.macro must be ‘exit’ to quit from sac
sac < macro.tmp
cd ..
\rm tmp
to run type
csh a.csh
Dr. Onur TAN
---------------------------------------------- 40.7866N 29.4500E ---------
TÜBİTAK Marmara Araştırma Merkezi, Yer ve Deniz Bilimleri Enstitüsü
TUBITAK Marmara Research Center, Earth and Marine Sciences Institute
Gebze - Kocaeli - TURKEY
On 25.10.2010 21:21, "Januka Attanayake" <jattanayake<at>> wrote:
Hi again,
I've had a couple of responses from the members, thanks for your time! However, none of them worked. I still get the same error. I am calling sac within a while read line loop. Should there be a special way of calling sac and executing commands if I do it in a loop? I haven't come across this problem with other programs like GMT and taup at all.
my error msg: SAC> readline: readline_callback_read_char() called with no handler!
and bash script:
while read line
cd $line
gawk '{print "macro ../sac_cut.macro"}'
cd ../
done < folder_list.txt
commands I've tried so far:
(1) echo -e "macro ../sac_cut.macro" | sac
(2) sac << EOF and !
macro ../sac_cut.macro
EOF and ! ==> doesn't work within a while loop
(3) printf "macro ../sac_cut.macro" | sac
(4) echo "macro ../sac_cut.macro" | sac
Thanks again !
On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 12:20 PM, Januka Attanayake <jattanayake<at>> wrote:
I am trying to call sac within a shell script as follows.
while read line
cd $line
gawk '{print "macro ../sac_cut.macro"}'
cd ../
done < folder_list.txt
folder_list.txt holds the names of all the directory names that the script is suppose to look in.
I see that sac is initiated but the problem is in executing commands within sac once it is initiated. I have tried several ways of doing that including printf and piping to sac with back quotes. Still I get the following error.
SAC> readline: readline_callback_read_char() called with no handler!
How should one execute sac commands within a shell script?
I am using sac Version 101.3b
Thanks a lot.
Hi all,
Frequently I have used this instruction within or not of a loop:
sac << EOF
macro ../sac_cut.macro
EOF (end of file, or what ever other string) is used to identify or close the end of sac (or other program like matlab or R) intructions. Between sac<<EOF and EOF you can put sac instructions. But you must care dont put space or tabs before the onset of each line, usually done when we put code within a loop. If EOF has, for instance, 3 spaces before EOF, the open intruction of sac must have them:
sac << EOF
macro ../sac_cut.macro
I am using cshell. I have not tested in other type of shell. If you dont want echo of the process you can use this:
sac << EOF>/dev/null
macro ../sac_cut.macro
If you want extract results to a file:
sac << EOF>my.file
macro ../sac_cut.macro
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2010 14:21:44 -0400
From: jattanayake<at>
To: sac-help<at>
Subject: Re: [SAC-HELP] calling sac commands within shell scripts
Hi again,
I've had a couple of responses from the members, thanks for your time! However, none of them worked. I still get the same error. I am calling sac within a while read line loop. Should there be a special way of calling sac and executing commands if I do it in a loop? I haven't come across this problem with other programs like GMT and taup at all.
my error msg: SAC> readline: readline_callback_read_char() called with no handler!
and bash script:
while read line
cd $line
gawk '{print "macro ../sac_cut.macro"}'
cd ../
done < folder_list.txt
commands I've tried so far:
(1) echo -e "macro ../sac_cut.macro" | sac
(2) sac << EOF and !
macro ../sac_cut.macro
EOF and ! ==> doesn't work within a while loop
(3) printf "macro ../sac_cut.macro" | sac
(4) echo "macro ../sac_cut.macro" | sac
Thanks again !
On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 12:20 PM, Januka Attanayake <jattanayake<at>> wrote:
I am trying to call sac within a shell script as follows.
while read line
cd $line
gawk '{print "macro ../sac_cut.macro"}'
cd ../
done < folder_list.txt
folder_list.txt holds the names of all the directory names that the script is suppose to look in.
I see that sac is initiated but the problem is in executing commands within sac once it is initiated. I have tried several ways of doing that including printf and piping to sac with back quotes. Still I get the following error.
SAC> readline: readline_callback_read_char() called with no handler!
How should one execute sac commands within a shell script?
I am using sac Version 101.3b
Thanks a lot.
"Nothing can start to exist nor can cease to exist, only transformation is possible"
Januka Attanayake
Solid Earth Geophysics & Economics
University of Connecticut
Beach Hall U-2045
354,Mansfield Rd;
Storrs.CT 06269
Tel: +1 860 486 0475 (Office)
+1 860 486 3914 (Lab - P405)
sac-help mailing list