Thread: IRIS WEBINAR: Introduction to Magnetotellurics – SAGE MT Facility Webinars, 3/26 at 2 PM Eastern

Started: 2020-03-20 13:24:40
Last activity: 2020-03-20 13:24:40
Topics: Webinars
Registration is open for *Introduction to Magnetotellurics – SAGE MT
Facility Webinar Series* on March 26 at 2:00 PM EDT:

*Presenter: *Dr. Martyn Unsworth, University of Alberta

*Description: *IRIS is currently funded by the National Science
Foundation to operate a suite of activities under the SAGE facility
providing support to Principal Investigators (PIs) engaged in
seismological and other geophysical research. This includes establishing
a new pool of portable magnetotelluric (MT) instruments at the PASSCAL
Instrument Center—which maintains equipment, provides training, and
assists in data handling and archival at no cost to users. We expect to
have both new long-period and wideband/broadband MT instruments
available to potential users later in 2020.

In this presentation Andy Frassetto (IRIS MT Program Manager) will give
a brief status report on SAGE MT, and Professor Martyn Unsworth
(University of Alberta) will provide a high-level introduction to the
science of magnetotellurics and how it is used to characterize earth
system processes at scales ranging from the uppermost crust to
continent/lithosphere-scale. We plan additional MT-centric webinars
throughout the spring and summer to highlight how these instruments are
deployed and operated, common approaches for processing and analyzing
data, and the range of societally relevant science that can be
performed. These are intended to encourage new MT users, including
seismologists who may include MT observations in future proposals or
upcoming fieldwork. Each webinar will end with a Q&A session.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing
information about joining the webinar. The live broadcast is limited to
the first 500 attendees. All IRIS webinars are archived for later
viewing at

General questions about webinars (webinar<at> or inquiries about
the MT program and suggestions for the webinar series
(andy.frassetto<at> are welcome.

Andy Frassetto, PhD, Seismologist
MT Program Manager
Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology

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