Thread: 3 Year Postdoc: Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) in the Arctic Ocean

Started: 2020-06-08 16:02:56
Last activity: 2020-06-08 16:02:56
The Geophysics Department at Sandia National Laboratories is looking for a post-doctoral researcher for a three-year project exploring the Arctic Ocean environment using distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) on seafloor fiber-optic cable. We are acquiring DAS data off the north coast of Alaska over multiple years to better understand ocean cryospheric processes. Expected signals of interest include, but are not limited to, icequakes, ocean waves, storms, tides, and whale vocalizations. In addition, we also will track boat activity, and use microearthquakes to passively image the seafloor.
On any given day, you may be called on to:
• Analyze thousands to tens-of-thousands of channels of DAS data. Characterizing, discriminating between, and locating icequakes, earthquakes, whale vocalizations, boats, tides, ocean currents, etc.
• Develop or aid in the development of DAS signal processing techniques through scripting or programming using Matlab, Python, or other programming language
• Integrate observations from a wide variety of other sensing platforms (such as satellites, ocean buoys, weather stations, etc.), to understand Arctic processes.
• Collaborate on research papers, reports and presentations

This position requires some travel to the North Slope of Alaska to acquire data (up to 4 times per year), as well as to relevant scientific conferences.

Contact Rob Abbott (reabbot<at> with any questions.

To access the posting, go to

or and search for JobID 672081.
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