Thread: RFI: Seeking Expressions of Interest from IRIS and UNAVCO Member Institutions for Hosting Future Geophysical Facilities

Started: 2020-06-22 11:36:03
Last activity: 2020-06-22 11:36:03
The Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) and UNAVCO, Inc. (UNAVCO), both university consortia, are interested in identifying member institutions that may be willing to host one or more functions of a future (post-2023) merged IRIS-UNAVCO organization (referred to hereafter as “new organization”).

We are seeking expressions of interest from IRIS and UNAVCO member institutions, located in the USA, to host one or more functions of the new organization, which would support any future NSF-funded geophysical facility operated by the new organization. We will use responses to this Request for Information (RFI) for planning purposes and to ensure that any subsequent Request for Proposals (RFP) is well conceived and framed to take advantage of the full range of opportunities that host institutions may provide. We expect an RFP will be used to select one or more partners that will be part of our proposal team when the new organization responds to the anticipated NSF solicitation for the SAGE-GAGE follow-on facility.

The RFI, which provides additional explanation, context, and instructions for responding, can be found at:

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