Thread: AGU Session: Fifty Years of the Brune Earthquake Source Model: What Have we Learned, and What is Next?

Started: 2020-07-01 21:34:42
Last activity: 2020-07-01 21:34:42
Topics: AGU Meetings

Dear Colleagues:
We are convening a broad AGU session that we hope will be of interest to you. Our aim is to look forward to new directions, as well as review past and present.
Please consider submitting an abstract to our AGU Session.
Thank you
Rachel Abercrombie, Annemarie Baltay, Stefan Nielsen and Bill Walter.

Session Title - Fifty Years of the Brune Earthquake Source Model: What Have we Learned, and What is Next?
Section – Seismology (with Nonlinear Geophysics, Natural Hazards and Tectonophysics)
Session Details -

Rachel E Abercrombie, Boston University, Boston, MA, United States
Annemarie Baltay, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA, United States
Stefan Nielsen, University of Durham, Durham, United Kingdom
William R Walter, Lawrence Livermore Lab, Livermore, CA, United States

Abstract: 50 years ago, the simple and useful Brune earthquake source model was published in the AGU Journal of Geophysical Research. The paper is one of the most cited in all aspects of seismology, and it has become the standard used in studies of earthquake physics, tectonic stress, ground-motion prediction, nuclear monitoring, earth rheology and more.
The model quantifies the measurable parameters of an instantaneous, circular-slip earthquake rupture. It provides a framework in which to link seismic observations to basic earthquake source physics including scaling of parameters between different sized events.
We invite contributions related to past, present and future applications of the Brune earthquake model. How has the model has been used and influenced seismology over the past half century? How is it being used today across the range of applications? What are the limitations of assuming such a simple model, and what new alternatives are being developed?

The abstract submission is open until deadline on Wednesday, 29 July 2020
The meeting will be "mostly virtual" this year and takes place from 7-11 December (

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