Thread: AGU Session - Research supposrting global security

Started: 2020-07-09 21:19:22
Last activity: 2020-07-09 21:19:22
Topics: AGU Meetings
Charlotte Rowe
2020-07-09 21:19:22
Dear Colleagues,

If your research is geared toward supporting global security, please consider submitting an abstract for the Fall 2020 AGU meeting to our special session on the topic:

Earth Science Research Supporting Global Security (session S008)

The session is listed under seismology but welcomes research focused on remote sensing technologies, atmospheric modeling, radionuclide transport, explosion source characterization and other forms of relevant anomaly detection across disciplines. The session description is as follows:

Geophysical applications are employed at a variety of scales to address evolving challenges in global security. New methods, theories, and sensors are currently being developed to address a variety of uses. These range from explosion monitoring, industrial activities, forensic analysis, and border security to remote interrogation (e.g. Unmanned Aircraft Systems - UAS) for inaccessible regions. We invite contributions that include seismic, geodetic, geochemical, shallow geophysical, atmospheric, remote sensing, radionuclide transport and detection, geological or other research and modeling advances supporting improvements in global security. Contributions that focus on innovative, advanced analysis, including machine learning, data fusion, and joint inversion are especially encouraged.


Charlotte Rowe, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Robert Mellors, Lawrence LIvermore National Laboratory

B. John Merchant, Sandia National Laboratories

Michael Foxe, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

We look forward to a lively session!

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