Thread: AGU Session: Geophysical, Mechanical, and Geologic Constraints on the Subduction Interface

Started: 2020-07-15 20:54:49
Last activity: 2020-07-15 20:54:49
Topics: AGU Meetings
Dear colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to the session *T012 - Geophysical,
Mechanical, and Geologic Constraints on the Subduction Interface* at the
Fall 2020 AGU Meeting. Please consider submitting an abstract (deadline:
July 29).

*Session Description:* Our understanding of subduction interface slip
behavior and structure comes from integration of geophysical imaging,
experimental studies, and observations from the rock record. The rheology
and structure of the plate interface are essential components influencing
slip behavior of the subduction plate boundary. Interpretation of
geophysical observations at these zones is inherently dependent on
fundamental rock properties; likewise understanding of the deformation of
these materials depends on experimental and geologic studies, and numerical
modeling. In this session, we aim to engage an interdisciplinary research
community, drawing from seismology, magnetotellurics, rock mechanics,
geodesy, and geology, focused on constraining the structure and slip
properties along the subduction plate interface. Work extending from the
trench, across the seismogenic zone to the locations of deep episodic
tremor and slip are encouraged. We will highlight research results from the
past decade of GeoPRISMS focus sites, Cascadia, Alaska/Aleutians, and
Hikurangi, but welcome submissions outside of these areas.
*Link to submit*

*Invited Speakers:*
Alissa Kotowski, McGill University
Jenny Nakai, University of New Mexico

*Conveners: *
Helen Janiszewski, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Cailey Condit, University of Washington
Noel Bartlow, University of California Berkeley
Melodie French, Rice University
Dr. Helen A. Janiszewski

Assistant Professor
Dept. of Earth Sciences
SOEST, University of Hawaii, Manoa

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