Thread: AGU Fall Meeting 2020 Session- T020- Polar Frontiers in Lithosphere Exploration and Research

Started: 2020-07-18 22:04:20
Last activity: 2020-07-18 22:04:20
Topics: AGU Meetings
Dear colleagues,
To all of you who are exploring, imaging or modelling the architecture of the Antarctic or the Arctic crust and lithosphere using geophysical or geological approaches;
studying the tectonic and geodynamic evolution of the polar regions;
or investigating how subglacial geology, crust and lithosphere influences past and present topography, geothermal heat flux and the overlying polar ice sheets;

It is a pleasure to invite you to submit an abstract to our broad and interdisciplinary bi-polar AGU Fall Meeting session

T020- Polar Frontiers in Lithosphere Exploration and Research

For our session details see

Abstract submission deadline: 29 July, 23:59 EDT

Please feel free to forward our invite to your collaborators who may be interested- especially students and early career researchers.

Finally, please note that the AGU Fall Meeting (7 – 11 December 2020) will be virtual this year. However, we are looking forward to seeing and having lively discussions on your presentations online.

Best regards from.
The session conveners:
Fausto Ferraccioli, Richard Saltus, Douglas Wiens, Sergei Lebedev

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