Thread: Online: First Basic Training for SeisComP in version 4 - Promotional Beginner Course

Started: 2020-07-24 10:04:40
Last activity: 2020-08-10 06:46:36
Topics: Other Meetings
Dear SeisComP users and everyone interested,

We are again announcing our Basic Training for the OpenSource SeisComP - the popular software for automatic and interactive earthquake analysis in real time. This training will be our first chance for you to learn about SeisComP in version 4. The version 4 has been recently released and this new generation will be the future of SeisComP replacing SeisComP3. The Beginner Course is perfect for new SeisComP users who wish to get quickly started with a productive SeisComP system.

ONLINE Training - Adaptation to the Covid-19 situation:

As traveling may be restricted during the course period and your health is of highest priority to us, this training will be held as an online training with a virtual classroom. Following tutorials on a monitor for a ling time is very demanding. We therefore reduce the daily amount of hours to 4 including short breaks

We are guaranteeing an intensive hands-on training - a strict limit of a maximum of 8 persons is applied. Participants may bring their own datasets for training.

This is a promotional training: We extend the training by one extra day and provide a life-time license for QuakeLink ( with updates for two years free of any extra charge.

The training covers the following topics:

- Installation and optimization of the latest SeisComP package from scratch
- Acquisition, archiving and distribution of real-time and archived data including FDSNWS
- Automatic data processing in real-timr
- Interactive analysis using the Graphical User Interfaces and commandline utilities
- Playbacks
- Tuning and module customization
- GUI customization
- QuakeLink for secure real-time backup and redundancy of event parameters on parallel SeisComP systems


Generation of station meta data including responses of sensors and data loggers from scratch using gempa’s SMP.

Find the full list of topics online:

Dates and times:

21 September - 2 Oktober, 2020, 09:00 - 13:00 CEST (times will be adjusted allowing participation from different time zones)


online training

The course is now open for registration. Find all details online: or contact us by email: training<at>

More SeisComP courses are announced:

See you soon!

Dirk Roessler

E-Mail: training<at>
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