2020-07-27 17:21:23
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to our multidisiciplinary AGU session: “T027 - The Alaskan and Northern Canadian Cordillera: Tectonics, Petrology, Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Geology”.
The Alaskan and northern Canadian Cordillera, stretching from British Columbia and southeast Alaska to the Beaufort, Chukchi, and Bering Seas, is a seismogenic region consisting of accreted terranes and large-offset faults, past and present magmatism, multiple orogenic episodes, and a mantle with an array of inherited structures and striking velocity variations. Several recent studies in the area and the EarthScope Transportable Array have generated new data sets and results and the region has been identified as having world-class science questions to be targeted by future multi-disciplinary/multi-sensor arrays (e.g., EON-ROSE). We welcome contributions on the geochemistry, petrology, tectonics, geophysics, and seismology of the region, and encourage reports from the many recent studies as well as integrative summaries of the region.
We hope you will consider submitting an abstract (https://www.agu.org/Fall-Meeting/2020/Present/Abstracts). The deadline is July 29, 2020.
Jeff Freymueller
Julie Elliott
Rick Aster
Derek Schutt
We would like to draw your attention to our multidisiciplinary AGU session: “T027 - The Alaskan and Northern Canadian Cordillera: Tectonics, Petrology, Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Geology”.
The Alaskan and northern Canadian Cordillera, stretching from British Columbia and southeast Alaska to the Beaufort, Chukchi, and Bering Seas, is a seismogenic region consisting of accreted terranes and large-offset faults, past and present magmatism, multiple orogenic episodes, and a mantle with an array of inherited structures and striking velocity variations. Several recent studies in the area and the EarthScope Transportable Array have generated new data sets and results and the region has been identified as having world-class science questions to be targeted by future multi-disciplinary/multi-sensor arrays (e.g., EON-ROSE). We welcome contributions on the geochemistry, petrology, tectonics, geophysics, and seismology of the region, and encourage reports from the many recent studies as well as integrative summaries of the region.
We hope you will consider submitting an abstract (https://www.agu.org/Fall-Meeting/2020/Present/Abstracts). The deadline is July 29, 2020.
Jeff Freymueller
Julie Elliott
Rick Aster
Derek Schutt