Thread: Only a few days left before: ISTI SeisComP Online Course, September 14-24.

Started: 2020-09-09 13:52:13
Last activity: 2020-09-09 13:52:13
Topics: Other Meetings
Hi All -

We've still got some seats in this course, and newsflash: we have guest
lecturer Anthony Lomax joining us on a couple of the days to describe
NonLinLoc locator configuration and tuning. NonLinLoc allows using 3D
velocity models.

Here's the original blurb:

At the request of some students in different time zones, ISTI is
offering an online English language SeisComP course in September.
12:30pm to 5pm Eastern Daylight time (with 1/2hr break mid-course).
Students have already signed up, but there are still spaces available if
you find this course time convenient.

Here’s some info from the blurb on our web site:

In the course, we will focus on the latest open source modules of
SeisComP; free for non-commercial uses. You’ll be taught data
acquisition and archiving. You’ll learn how to configure and tune
global, regional or local automatic seismic event detection. When the
course is over you’ll be able to improve automatic solutions by
re-picking with the graphical user interface.

This course will be useful to anyone setting up, managing, tuning, or
doing post-processing work on a SeisComP3 or SeisComP version 4 system.

The immersive hands-on course will cover:

o Initial installation, including database configuration
o Station inventory, station XML, dataless SEED
o Data acquisition from digitizers, public sources, including Seedlink
o Automatic event location bindings
o Data export to other organizations running SeisComP3, Earthworm
o FDSN Web Services
o Data archiving
o Work with the SeisComP GUIs, including viewing event catalogs, and
post-processing — picking and relocating events
o Event Playback and system tuning
o Troubleshooting

This 2020 SeisComP Course takes place September 14 – 18 and 21 – 24; 9
days; 4 hrs/day. Start time: 12:30pm; 1/2hr break at 2:30pm, finish time
5pm. New York Time (EDT).

Contact ISTI for availability. More info and pricing here:

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