Thread: *Virtual* - Marine Seismology Symposium - Spring 2021

Started: 2020-11-03 10:36:36
Last activity: 2020-11-04 12:06:28
Topics: IRIS Meetings
2020-11-03 10:36:36
[image: MarineSeismologySymposium-Banner-2021-Virtual-01.png]
The uncertainty of travel restrictions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
has required us to revisit our plans for the Marine Seismology Symposium.
We will be postponing any in-person events until a later date, and we will
now proceed with virtual events to be held in Spring 2021. This will
include several sessions held over 1-2 weeks with presentations and
discussions covering scientific topics as well as operational topics,
breakout discussions, panels, and other ways to participate.

*We would like to hear from you, our attendees, about what kind of events
and topics would be most useful and exciting. *

*Please fill out this short survey so we can incorporate your feedback and
plan effectively:*
The Marine Seismology Symposium will enable participants to share exciting
new science results, discuss future directions and key scientific
questions, promote and empower early career scientists by showcasing their
work and providing networking opportunities, and communicate changes to
critical marine seismic infrastructure so that research can be successfully
planned, funded, and conducted using existing and evolving tools. This
symposium is critical for growing and broadening the marine seismic
research community and will facilitate progress toward better understanding
of frontier science topics such as the processes related to geohazards like
megathrust earthquakes, tsunamis, undersea landslides, and volcanic
eruptions as well as the processes that control the formation and evolution
of ocean basins. This effort is supported by funding from the National
Science Foundation under OCE award #1939512.

Comments are welcome and we encourage you to get in touch with the
organizing committee members with any suggestions, questions, or concerns.

Looking forward to seeing you virtually in 2021!

The Marine Seismology Symposium Organizing Committee: Kasey Aderhold
(IRIS), Emily Roland (U of Washington), Masako Tominaga (WHOI), Anne Tréhu
(OSU), Bob Woodward (IRIS), Patrick Hart (USGS), Donna Shillington (NAU),
Sean Higgins (LDEO), Sean Gulick (UTIG), Monica Kohler (Caltech), Helen
Janiszewski (U of Hawaii, Manoa), Amanda Price (WUSTL), Lindsay Worthington
(UNM), Anne Bécel (LDEO), John Orcutt (SIO)


Kasey Aderhold, Ph.D.
Project Associate | IRIS TA/IS Management
202-407-7019 | kasey<at> | (she/her)
Currently teleworking M-F, 9am-5pm ET

    2020-11-04 12:06:28
    Thank you to those who have filled out the survey already; we appreciate
    your feedback and it will be incorporated into our plans for the virtual
    Marine Seismology Symposium in Spring 2021.

    If you experienced any trouble with the shortened URL link in the original
    email, please use this link to access the survey:


    On Tue, Nov 3, 2020 at 10:36 AM Kasey Aderhold <kasey.aderhold<at>>

    [image: MarineSeismologySymposium-Banner-2021-Virtual-01.png]
    The uncertainty of travel restrictions in response to the COVID-19
    pandemic has required us to revisit our plans for the Marine Seismology
    Symposium. We will be postponing any in-person events until a later date,
    and we will now proceed with virtual events to be held in Spring 2021. This
    will include several sessions held over 1-2 weeks with presentations and
    discussions covering scientific topics as well as operational topics,
    breakout discussions, panels, and other ways to participate.

    *We would like to hear from you, our attendees, about what kind of events
    and topics would be most useful and exciting. *

    *Please fill out this short survey so we can incorporate your feedback and
    plan effectively:*
    The Marine Seismology Symposium will enable participants to share exciting
    new science results, discuss future directions and key scientific
    questions, promote and empower early career scientists by showcasing their
    work and providing networking opportunities, and communicate changes to
    critical marine seismic infrastructure so that research can be successfully
    planned, funded, and conducted using existing and evolving tools. This
    symposium is critical for growing and broadening the marine seismic
    research community and will facilitate progress toward better understanding
    of frontier science topics such as the processes related to geohazards like
    megathrust earthquakes, tsunamis, undersea landslides, and volcanic
    eruptions as well as the processes that control the formation and evolution
    of ocean basins. This effort is supported by funding from the National
    Science Foundation under OCE award #1939512.

    Comments are welcome and we encourage you to get in touch with the
    organizing committee members with any suggestions, questions, or concerns.

    Looking forward to seeing you virtually in 2021!

    The Marine Seismology Symposium Organizing Committee: Kasey Aderhold
    (IRIS), Emily Roland (U of Washington), Masako Tominaga (WHOI), Anne Tréhu
    (OSU), Bob Woodward (IRIS), Patrick Hart (USGS), Donna Shillington (NAU),
    Sean Higgins (LDEO), Sean Gulick (UTIG), Monica Kohler (Caltech), Helen
    Janiszewski (U of Hawaii, Manoa), Amanda Price (WUSTL), Lindsay Worthington
    (UNM), Anne Bécel (LDEO), John Orcutt (SIO)


    Kasey Aderhold, Ph.D.
    Project Associate | IRIS TA/IS Management
    202-407-7019 | kasey<at> | (she/her)
    Currently teleworking M-F, 9am-5pm ET


    Kasey Aderhold, Ph.D.
    Project Associate | IRIS TA/IS Management
    202-407-7019 | kasey<at> | (she/her)
    Currently teleworking M-F, 9am-5pm ET

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