Thread: DAS RCN Working Groups

Started: 2020-11-04 09:09:20
Last activity: 2020-11-04 09:09:20
2020-11-04 09:09:20
Hello DAS mailing list subscribers,

The Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) Research Coordination Network (RCN)
steering committee would like to invite you to participate in one or more
of the working groups that have been organized. The working groups function
as subcommittees of the DAS RCN, promoting the overall goals of advancing
DAS applications in geosciences and engineering by focusing on specific
disciplines or topics. Working groups are all charged with developing a
bibliography, nominating webinar speakers, organizing conference sessions
or other events, and reporting back to the RCN during monthly meetings in
addition to any topic specific activities members wish to pursue.

Data Management Jerry Carter (IRIS) jerry.carter<at>
Energy Technologies and CO2 Monitoring Julia Correa (LBL) and Ariel
Lellouch (Stanford) juliacorrea<at> and ariellel<at>
Earthquake and Array Seismology Ray Willemann (AFRL)
Urban Seismology Biondo Biondi (Stanford) biondo<at>
Instrumentation Kasey Aderhold (IRIS) and Zuyuan He (Shanghai Jiao Tong
University) kasey<at> and zuyuanhe<at>
Machine Learning Eileen Martin (Virginia Tech) and Whitney Trainor-Guitton
(SeaOwl Energy [Total]) eileenrmartin<at> and
Engineering Infrastructure Dante Fratta (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Hydrology Scott Tyler (University of Nevada, Reno) styler<at>
Geomorphology Danica Roth (Colorado School of Mines) droth<at>
Cryosphere Luke Zoet (University of Wisconsin-Madison) lzoet<at>
Volcanic and Seismic Hazard Monitoring Lotte Krawczyk (GFZ Potsdam)
Marine Geophysics Nate Lindsey (Stanford) nlindsey<at>
Geomechanics Matt Becker (Cal State-Long Beach) matt.becker<at>
Early-Career DAS Network Nate Lindsey (Stanford) nlindsey<at>
Research and Development Test Sites Andreas Wuestefeld (NORSAR)

Individuals are encouraged to sign up for reasons that range from casual
interest to willingness to engage actively. Please contact working group
leads directly as listed in the above table. If you have any general
questions or you are not able to connect with a working group, please
follow up with kasey<at>

Herbert Wang (University of Wisconsin-Madison - Co-PI), Scott Tyler
(University of Nevada, Reno - Co-PI), Robert Woodward (IRIS - Co-PI),
Jonathan Ajo-Franklin (Rice University), Matt Becker (California State
University, Long Beach), Dante Fratta (University of Wisconsin-Madison),
Mark Hausner (Desert Research Institute), Zuyuan He (Shanghai Jiao Tong
University), Charlotte Krawczyk (GFZ-Potsdam), Yingping Li, Nate Lindsey
(Stanford University), Eileen Martin (Virginia Tech), Whitney
Trainor-Guitton (SeaOwl Energy (Total)), Zhongwen Zhan (Caltech), Lucas
Zoet (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Danica Roth (Colorado School of


Kasey Aderhold, Ph.D.
Project Associate | IRIS TA/IS Management
202-407-7019 | kasey<at> | (she/her)
Currently teleworking M-F, 9am-5pm ET

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