Thread: IRIS WEBINAR: Improving earthquake rate models for seismic hazard forecasts: Swarms and fluid injection and volcanos, oh my!, 11/19 at 2 PM Eastern

Started: 2020-11-12 11:07:36
Last activity: 2020-11-12 11:07:36
Topics: Webinars
Please register for *Improving earthquake rate models for seismic hazard
forecasts: Swarms and fluid injection and volcanos, oh my!* on *November 19**,
2020 2:00 PM Eastern*

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*Presented by:* Dr. Andrea Llenos, U.S. Geological Survey, Golden, CO

*Abstract:* Long-term probabilistic seismic hazard assessments (PSHA) have
traditionally modeled earthquake occurrence as a stationary,
time-independent process, largely driven by plate tectonic motion. However,
earthquakes can be triggered by other physical processes that act on
shorter time-scales, such as volcanic eruptions/intrusions, natural fluid
flow in the crust, or activities related to energy production, and there is
increasing interest in understanding how PSHA can account for these rate
variations. In this talk, I will summarize some recent studies that
explore ways to improve forecasts when the earthquake rate is varying over
time. These cases will include natural and induced swarms, as well as
caldera collapse earthquakes triggered during the 2018 Kilauea eruption.

*PLEASE NOTE:* We can not confirm or guarantee you will have a spot during
the webinar, as we are limited to 500 participants. Please hop on the
webinar early for your best chances to see the webinar live. Remember that
all IRIS webinars are archived for later viewing at

Any questions? Contact us at webinar<at>

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