Thread: Final Release: Rapid Response White Paper

Started: 2020-11-19 09:31:05
Last activity: 2020-11-19 09:31:05
Justin Sweet
2020-11-19 09:31:05
Dear Colleagues,

IRIS is pleased to announce the release of a finalized community white paper on rapid response science, capabilities, and instrumentation. This white paper has been assembled from community feedback gathered by IRIS over the past two years, and has been reviewed and endorsed by the IRIS Board of Directors.

The white paper can be downloaded from the IRIS Rapid Response webpage at

This webpage also contains recordings and presentations from many of the community events hosted since 2019 that provided direct input to the white paper—including science talks, group discussions, and thoughts on appropriate instrumentation.

IRIS is fortunate to have funding from NSF as part of the current SAGE-II award to procure and support dedicated rapid response instrumentation, and this community white paper includes recommendations for how those funds should be spent over the next several years. The white paper also acknowledges several other pressing rapid response needs identified by the community, which will require additional funding in order to implement.

We hope that this document will be a valuable resource for the community—both for upcoming procurements under SAGE-II, as well as for future proposals that touch on rapid responses to geohazards.

On behalf of the rapid response initiative at IRIS, we’d like to thank the many members of the community who have participated in and contributed to the community events we’ve hosted as part of this effort.


Justin Sweet, IRIS
Anne Meltzer, Lehigh University
Kent Anderson, IRIS
Bob Woodward, IRIS

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