Thread: Save-the-Date - Virtual Marine Seismology Symposium - March 8-19 2021

Started: 2020-11-30 18:07:09
Last activity: 2020-11-30 18:07:09
Topics: IRIS Meetings
2020-11-30 18:07:09
[image: MarineSeismologySymposium-Banner-2021-Virtual-dates-01.png]
We are pleased to announce that a virtual Marine Seismology Symposium will
be held over two weeks, March 8-19th 2021. The symposium will include
plenary science sessions as well as a virtual "poster" session with
opportunities to get individual feedback. The plenaries will be held in
about 6 main sessions, each 2-4 hours in length, over the course of the two
weeks with at least one session held in a Euro/Asia friendly time zone.
Recordings will be made available shortly after the sessions. More
information will be posted to the symposium website when available:

We would also like to encourage the organization of complementary special
interest group discussions and related events, and will facilitate this as
much as possible with the resources we have available. Additionally, we are
looking for international and student representatives for the organizing
committee if you are interested in getting more involved. Feedback
throughout the planning and execution of the Marine Seismology Symposium is
always welcome. Please send an email to kasey<at> and your thoughts
will be shared with the organizing committee.

Kasey Aderhold (IRIS), Emily Roland (WWU), Masako Tominaga (WHOI), Anne
Tréhu (OSU), Bob Woodward (IRIS), Patrick Hart (USGS), Donna Shillington
(NAU), Sean Higgins (LDEO), Sean Gulick (UTIG), Monica Kohler (Caltech),
Helen Janiszewski (U of Hawaii, Manoa), Lindsay Worthington (UNM), Anne
Bécel (LDEO), John Orcutt (SIO)


Kasey Aderhold, Ph.D.
Project Associate | IRIS TA/IS Management
202-407-7019 | kasey<at> | (she/her)
Currently teleworking M-F, 9am-5pm ET

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