Thread: Re: cutting sac files on time

Started: 2011-06-03 22:30:35
Last activity: 2011-06-07 00:20:22
Topics: SAC Help
Mehmet Ergin
2011-06-03 22:30:35
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2011 11:17 AM
To: 'sac-help<at>'
Subject: cutting sac files on time

I just want to cut sac files only by giving exact time. I use to sign to put T0 and then cut from T0 but always have problems to see exact peak to cut, so I just want to give exact time to cut without putting T0 . is it possible to cut files only by giving exact times.


Bu e-posta mesaj? ve onunla iletilen t?m ekler g?nderildi?i ki?i ya da kuruma ?zel olup, gizli ve ?zel bilgiler i?erebilece?i gibi gizlilik y?k?ml?l??? de ta??yor olabilir. Bu mesajda ve ekindeki dosyalarda bulunan t?m fikir ve g?r??ler sadece adres sahip(ler)ine ait olup, T?B?TAK MAM bu e-posta i?eri?indeki bilgilerin kullan?lmas? nedeniyle hi? kimseye kar?? sorumlu tutulamaz Mesaj?n yetkili al?c?s? veya al?c?s?na iletmekten sorumlu ki?i de?ilseniz, mesaj i?eri?ini ya da eklerini kullanmay?n?z, kopyalamay?n?z, yaymay?n?z, ba?ka ki?ilere y?nlendirmeyiniz ve mesaj? g?nderen ki?iyi derhal uyararak bu mesaj? siliniz. Kurumumuz size, mesaj?n ve bilgilerinin de?i?ikli?e u?ramamas?, b?t?nl???n?n ve gizlili?in korunmas? konusunda garanti vermemekte olup, e-posta i?eri?ine yetkisiz olarak yap?lan m?dahale, vir?s i?ermesi ve/veya bilgisayar sisteminize verebilece?i herhangi bir zarardan da sorumlu de?ildir.

This e-mail message, including any attachments, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and may contain confidential, private information as well as the exemption from disclosure. All ideas and opinions in this message and attached files can only belong to the addressee(s) and TUBITAK MRC shall have no liability to any person with regard to the use of the information contained in this message If you are not the intended addressee(s) or responsible person to inform the addressee(s), you are hereby notified that; any use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this message and attached files is strictly prohibited. Delete the message and notify the sender immediately. TUBITAK MRC do not warrant for the accuracy, completeness of the contents of this email and/or the preservation of confidentiality and shall not be liable for the unauthorized changes made to this message, viruses and/or any damages caused in anyway to your computer system

  • Milton Plasencia
    2011-06-04 14:31:53
    Hi Mehmet,

    You must to use the cut command, using in this way:

    sac> cut t0 t1
    sac> read file
    sac> plot
    sac> synchronize
    sac> plot

    In the second plot you see the time windows of cut, the "exact" time
    depend of your sampling rate, in other words, if you have 100 s/s
    you cant cut for example to=0.00 to t1=10.00, remember that the independent
    variable is t in seconds, so your cut resolution is 1/100 of second.
    Try cut 0.01 10.00 and cut 0.02 10.00, small values no works.




    Dipartimento Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche
    Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale - OGS

    Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/C
    (34010) Sgonico - TRIESTE - ITALIA
    Tel: +39-040-2140136
    Fax: +39-040-327307

    E-mail: mplasencia<at>

    ASAIN (Antarctic Seismographic Argentinean Italian Network)

    Quoting "Mehmet Ergin" <Mehmet.Ergin<at>>:

    Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2011 11:17 AM
    To: 'sac-help<at>'
    Subject: cutting sac files on time

    I just want to cut sac files only by giving exact time. I use to
    sign to put T0 and then cut from T0 but always have problems to see
    exact peak to cut, so I just want to give exact time to cut without
    putting T0 . is it possible to cut files only by giving exact times.


    Bu e-posta mesaj? ve onunla iletilen t?m ekler g?nderildi?i ki?i ya
    da kuruma ?zel olup, gizli ve ?zel bilgiler i?erebilece?i gibi
    gizlilik y?k?ml?l??? de ta??yor olabilir. Bu mesajda ve ekindeki
    dosyalarda bulunan t?m fikir ve g?r??ler sadece adres sahip(ler)ine
    ait olup, T?B?TAK MAM bu e-posta i?eri?indeki bilgilerin
    kullan?lmas? nedeniyle hi? kimseye kar?? sorumlu tutulamaz Mesaj?n
    yetkili al?c?s? veya al?c?s?na iletmekten sorumlu ki?i de?ilseniz,
    mesaj i?eri?ini ya da eklerini kullanmay?n?z, kopyalamay?n?z,
    yaymay?n?z, ba?ka ki?ilere y?nlendirmeyiniz ve mesaj? g?nderen
    ki?iyi derhal uyararak bu mesaj? siliniz. Kurumumuz size, mesaj?n ve
    bilgilerinin de?i?ikli?e u?ramamas?, b?t?nl???n?n ve gizlili?in
    korunmas? konusunda garanti vermemekte olup, e-posta i?eri?ine
    yetkisiz olarak yap?lan m?dahale, vir?s i?ermesi ve/veya bilgisayar
    sisteminize verebilece?i herhangi bir zarardan da sorumlu de?ildir.

    This e-mail message, including any attachments, is intended only for
    the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and may
    contain confidential, private information as well as the exemption
    from disclosure. All ideas and opinions in this message and attached
    files can only belong to the addressee(s) and TUBITAK MRC shall
    have no liability to any person with regard to the use of the
    information contained in this message If you are not the intended
    addressee(s) or responsible person to inform the addressee(s), you
    are hereby notified that; any use, dissemination, distribution, or
    copying of this message and attached files is strictly prohibited.
    Delete the message and notify the sender immediately. TUBITAK MRC
    do not warrant for the accuracy, completeness of the contents of
    this email and/or the preservation of confidentiality and shall not
    be liable for the unauthorized changes made to this message,
    viruses and/or any damages caused in anyway to your computer system

    This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

    • Mehmet Ergin
      2011-06-06 22:49:16
      Thanx for the try to help me, I know how we can use cut option.
      But I want to cut only time event by give time and duration. For example cut from 17:22:43.5 (hour:min:crc) to 100 seconds

      Hope you understand.
      Thanks very much.

      Mehmet ERGİN Assoc.Prof.
      Chief Senior Scientist

      D:\poster şablonu\AcikTonluZemin.gif
      TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center
      Earth Sciences Institute
      P.O. Box 21, 41470 Gebze Kocaeli TURKEY
      T +90 262 677 2864
      F +90 262 641 23 09

      -----Original Message-----
      From: Milton P. Plasencia Linares [mplasencia<at>]
      Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2011 8:32 AM
      To: Mehmet Ergin
      Cc: sac-help<at>
      Subject: Re: [SAC-HELP] cutting sac files on time

      Hi Mehmet,

      You must to use the cut command, using in this way:

      sac> cut t0 t1
      sac> read file
      sac> plot
      sac> synchronize
      sac> plot

      In the second plot you see the time windows of cut, the "exact" time
      depend of your sampling rate, in other words, if you have 100 s/s
      you cant cut for example to=0.00 to t1=10.00, remember that the independent
      variable is t in seconds, so your cut resolution is 1/100 of second.
      Try cut 0.01 10.00 and cut 0.02 10.00, small values no works.




      Dipartimento Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche
      Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale - OGS

      Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/C
      (34010) Sgonico - TRIESTE - ITALIA
      Tel: +39-040-2140136
      Fax: +39-040-327307

      E-mail: mplasencia<at>

      ASAIN (Antarctic Seismographic Argentinean Italian Network)

      Quoting "Mehmet Ergin" <Mehmet.Ergin<at>>:

      Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2011 11:17 AM
      To: 'sac-help<at>'
      Subject: cutting sac files on time

      I just want to cut sac files only by giving exact time. I use to
      sign to put T0 and then cut from T0 but always have problems to see
      exact peak to cut, so I just want to give exact time to cut without
      putting T0 . is it possible to cut files only by giving exact times.


      Bu e-posta mesaj? ve onunla iletilen t?m ekler g?nderildi?i ki?i ya
      da kuruma ?zel olup, gizli ve ?zel bilgiler i?erebilece?i gibi
      gizlilik y?k?ml?l??? de ta??yor olabilir. Bu mesajda ve ekindeki
      dosyalarda bulunan t?m fikir ve g?r??ler sadece adres sahip(ler)ine
      ait olup, T?B?TAK MAM bu e-posta i?eri?indeki bilgilerin
      kullan?lmas? nedeniyle hi? kimseye kar?? sorumlu tutulamaz Mesaj?n
      yetkili al?c?s? veya al?c?s?na iletmekten sorumlu ki?i de?ilseniz,
      mesaj i?eri?ini ya da eklerini kullanmay?n?z, kopyalamay?n?z,
      yaymay?n?z, ba?ka ki?ilere y?nlendirmeyiniz ve mesaj? g?nderen
      ki?iyi derhal uyararak bu mesaj? siliniz. Kurumumuz size, mesaj?n ve
      bilgilerinin de?i?ikli?e u?ramamas?, b?t?nl???n?n ve gizlili?in
      korunmas? konusunda garanti vermemekte olup, e-posta i?eri?ine
      yetkisiz olarak yap?lan m?dahale, vir?s i?ermesi ve/veya bilgisayar
      sisteminize verebilece?i herhangi bir zarardan da sorumlu de?ildir.

      This e-mail message, including any attachments, is intended only for
      the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and may
      contain confidential, private information as well as the exemption
      from disclosure. All ideas and opinions in this message and attached
      files can only belong to the addressee(s) and TUBITAK MRC shall
      have no liability to any person with regard to the use of the
      information contained in this message If you are not the intended
      addressee(s) or responsible person to inform the addressee(s), you
      are hereby notified that; any use, dissemination, distribution, or
      copying of this message and attached files is strictly prohibited.
      Delete the message and notify the sender immediately. TUBITAK MRC
      do not warrant for the accuracy, completeness of the contents of
      this email and/or the preservation of confidentiality and shall not
      be liable for the unauthorized changes made to this message,
      viruses and/or any damages caused in anyway to your computer system

      This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

      Bu e-posta mesajı ve onunla iletilen tüm ekler gönderildiği kişi ya da kuruma özel olup, gizli ve özel bilgiler içerebileceği gibi gizlilik yükümlülüğü de taşıyor olabilir. Bu mesajda ve ekindeki dosyalarda bulunan tüm fikir ve görüşler sadece adres sahip(ler)ine ait olup, TÜBİTAK MAM bu e-posta içeriğindeki bilgilerin kullanılması nedeniyle hiç kimseye karşı sorumlu tutulamaz Mesajın yetkili alıcısı veya alıcısına iletmekten sorumlu kişi değilseniz, mesaj içeriğini ya da eklerini kullanmayınız, kopyalamayınız, yaymayınız, başka kişilere yönlendirmeyiniz ve mesajı gönderen kişiyi derhal uyararak bu mesajı siliniz. Kurumumuz size, mesajın ve bilgilerinin değişikliğe uğramaması, bütünlüğünün ve gizliliğin korunması konusunda garanti vermemekte olup, e-posta içeriğine yetkisiz olarak yapılan müdahale, virüs içermesi ve/veya bilgisayar sisteminize verebileceği herhangi bir zarardan da sorumlu değildir.

      This e-mail message, including any attachments, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and may contain confidential, private information as well as the exemption from disclosure. All ideas and opinions in this message and attached files can only belong to the addressee(s) and TUBITAK MRC shall have no liability to any person with regard to the use of the information contained in this message If you are not the intended addressee(s) or responsible person to inform the addressee(s), you are hereby notified that; any use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this message and attached files is strictly prohibited. Delete the message and notify the sender immediately. TUBITAK MRC do not warrant for the accuracy, completeness of the contents of this email and/or the preservation of confidentiality and shall not be liable for the unauthorized changes made to this message, viruses and/or any damages caused in anyway to your computer system

      • Milton Plasencia
        2011-06-07 00:20:22

        Hi Mehmet,
        If i understand your question correctly,
        you must to define a "marker" or reference, for example if your time
        17:22:43.5 is the Origin time, you define the O variable in the sac
        header file prior the use of the cut command, after call the cut command,
        If you time 17.. is the start time of file use B, see the cut help.

        You can give data points using the N reference.




        Quoting "Mehmet Ergin" <Mehmet.Ergin<at>>:

        Thanx for the try to help me, I know how we can use cut option.
        But I want to cut only time event by give time and duration. For
        example cut from 17:22:43.5 (hour:min:crc) to 100 seconds

        Hope you understand.
        Thanks very much.

        Mehmet ERGİN Assoc.Prof.
        Chief Senior Scientist

        D:\poster şablonu\AcikTonluZemin.gif
        TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center
        Earth Sciences Institute
        P.O. Box 21, 41470 Gebze Kocaeli TURKEY
        T +90 262 677 2864
        F +90 262 641 23 09

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Milton P. Plasencia Linares [mplasencia<at>]
        Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2011 8:32 AM
        To: Mehmet Ergin
        Cc: sac-help<at>
        Subject: Re: [SAC-HELP] cutting sac files on time

        Hi Mehmet,

        You must to use the cut command, using in this way:

        sac> cut t0 t1
        sac> read file
        sac> plot
        sac> synchronize
        sac> plot

        In the second plot you see the time windows of cut, the "exact" time
        depend of your sampling rate, in other words, if you have 100 s/s
        you cant cut for example to=0.00 to t1=10.00, remember that the independent
        variable is t in seconds, so your cut resolution is 1/100 of second.
        Try cut 0.01 10.00 and cut 0.02 10.00, small values no works.




        Dipartimento Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche
        Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale - OGS

        Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/C
        (34010) Sgonico - TRIESTE - ITALIA
        Tel: +39-040-2140136
        Fax: +39-040-327307

        E-mail: mplasencia<at>

        ASAIN (Antarctic Seismographic Argentinean Italian Network)

        Quoting "Mehmet Ergin" <Mehmet.Ergin<at>>:

        Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2011 11:17 AM
        To: 'sac-help<at>'
        Subject: cutting sac files on time

        I just want to cut sac files only by giving exact time. I use to
        sign to put T0 and then cut from T0 but always have problems to see
        exact peak to cut, so I just want to give exact time to cut without
        putting T0 . is it possible to cut files only by giving exact times.


        Bu e-posta mesaj? ve onunla iletilen t?m ekler g?nderildi?i ki?i ya
        da kuruma ?zel olup, gizli ve ?zel bilgiler i?erebilece?i gibi
        gizlilik y?k?ml?l??? de ta??yor olabilir. Bu mesajda ve ekindeki
        dosyalarda bulunan t?m fikir ve g?r??ler sadece adres sahip(ler)ine
        ait olup, T?B?TAK MAM bu e-posta i?eri?indeki bilgilerin
        kullan?lmas? nedeniyle hi? kimseye kar?? sorumlu tutulamaz Mesaj?n
        yetkili al?c?s? veya al?c?s?na iletmekten sorumlu ki?i de?ilseniz,
        mesaj i?eri?ini ya da eklerini kullanmay?n?z, kopyalamay?n?z,
        yaymay?n?z, ba?ka ki?ilere y?nlendirmeyiniz ve mesaj? g?nderen
        ki?iyi derhal uyararak bu mesaj? siliniz. Kurumumuz size, mesaj?n ve
        bilgilerinin de?i?ikli?e u?ramamas?, b?t?nl???n?n ve gizlili?in
        korunmas? konusunda garanti vermemekte olup, e-posta i?eri?ine
        yetkisiz olarak yap?lan m?dahale, vir?s i?ermesi ve/veya bilgisayar
        sisteminize verebilece?i herhangi bir zarardan da sorumlu de?ildir.

        This e-mail message, including any attachments, is intended only for
        the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and may
        contain confidential, private information as well as the exemption
        from disclosure. All ideas and opinions in this message and attached
        files can only belong to the addressee(s) and TUBITAK MRC shall
        have no liability to any person with regard to the use of the
        information contained in this message If you are not the intended
        addressee(s) or responsible person to inform the addressee(s), you
        are hereby notified that; any use, dissemination, distribution, or
        copying of this message and attached files is strictly prohibited.
        Delete the message and notify the sender immediately. TUBITAK MRC
        do not warrant for the accuracy, completeness of the contents of
        this email and/or the preservation of confidentiality and shall not
        be liable for the unauthorized changes made to this message,
        viruses and/or any damages caused in anyway to your computer system

        This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

        Bu e-posta mesajı ve onunla iletilen tüm ekler gönderildiği kişi ya
        da kuruma özel olup, gizli ve özel bilgiler içerebileceği gibi
        gizlilik yükümlülüğü de taşıyor olabilir. Bu mesajda ve ekindeki
        dosyalarda bulunan tüm fikir ve görüşler sadece adres sahip(ler)ine
        ait olup, TÜBİTAK MAM bu e-posta içeriğindeki bilgilerin
        kullanılması nedeniyle hiç kimseye karşı sorumlu tutulamaz Mesajın
        yetkili alıcısı veya alıcısına iletmekten sorumlu kişi değilseniz,
        mesaj içeriğini ya da eklerini kullanmayınız, kopyalamayınız,
        yaymayınız, başka kişilere yönlendirmeyiniz ve mesajı gönderen
        kişiyi derhal uyararak bu mesajı siliniz. Kurumumuz size, mesajın ve
        bilgilerinin değişikliğe uğramaması, bütünlüğünün ve gizliliğin
        korunması konusunda garanti vermemekte olup, e-posta içeriğine
        yetkisiz olarak yapılan müdahale, virüs içermesi ve/veya bilgisayar
        sisteminize verebileceği herhangi bir zarardan da sorumlu değildir.

        This e-mail message, including any attachments, is intended only for
        the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and may
        contain confidential, private information as well as the exemption
        from disclosure. All ideas and opinions in this message and attached
        files can only belong to the addressee(s) and TUBITAK MRC shall
        have no liability to any person with regard to the use of the
        information contained in this message If you are not the intended
        addressee(s) or responsible person to inform the addressee(s), you
        are hereby notified that; any use, dissemination, distribution, or
        copying of this message and attached files is strictly prohibited.
        Delete the message and notify the sender immediately. TUBITAK MRC do
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        liable for the unauthorized changes made to this message, viruses
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        This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

03:23:10 v.af9cd46b