Thread: ask: transfer function

Started: 2011-06-09 16:32:42
Last activity: 2011-06-11 17:21:21
Topics: SAC Help
2011-06-09 16:32:42
All sac users:

I am a beginner here, so I would like to ask some questions, I hope some
advanced user of sac can help me with my doubts about transfer command.
1. I have a seismogram waveform which is velocity record from velocity
transducer. I have the response instrument read with rdseed and the RESP.*
is the velocity response, but the pole zero is displacement response. My
question: When I apply trans from polezero ..., using that polezero obtained
from rdseed, do I get the velocity ground motion (m/s or nm/s, etc. ) or do
I get displacement ground motion?

2. After the deconvolution with the transfer command, can I do the
convolution to apply another instrument response of the instrument types
that are not in the list in sac reference manual? If yes, how can I do it?
If not, would anyone please tell me the source where I can get the frequency
response and polezero of the instrument types in the sac manual since I am
trying to compare records that could be obtained from different instruments
with different response.


  • Onur Tan
    2011-06-09 18:42:23

    1. I have a seismogram waveform which is velocity record from velocity transducer. I have the response instrument read with rdseed and the RESP.* is the velocity response, but the pole zero is displacement response. My question: When I apply trans from polezero ..., using that polezero obtained from rdseed, do I get the velocity ground motion (m/s or nm/s, etc. ) or do I get displacement ground motion?

    your input velocity PZ file must have an additional ZERO for SAC. SAC integrates the data with that ZERO. if you say “to none” your output will be disp. (m) ; if you say “to vel” you will get velocity (m/s)

    2. After the deconvolution with the transfer command, can I do the convolution to apply another instrument response of the instrument types that are not in the list in sac reference manual? If yes, how can I do it? If not, would anyone please tell me the source where I can get the frequency response and polezero of the instrument types in the sac manual since I am trying to compare records that could be obtained from different instruments with different response.

    you need a PZ file of output instruments. you can say “from polezero to new-polezero”.

    best regards

    Dr. Onur TAN
    ---------------------------------------------- 40.7866N 29.4500E ---------
    TÜBİTAK Marmara Araştırma Merkezi, Yer ve Deniz Bilimleri Enstitüsü
    TUBITAK Marmara Research Center, Earth and Marine Sciences Institute
    Gebze - Kocaeli - TURKEY

    Bu e-posta mesajı ve onunla iletilen tüm ekler gönderildiği kişi ya da kuruma özel olup, gizli ve özel bilgiler içerebileceği gibi gizlilik yükümlülüğü de taşıyor olabilir. Bu mesajda ve ekindeki dosyalarda bulunan tüm fikir ve görüşler sadece adres sahip(ler)ine ait olup, TÜBİTAK MAM bu e-posta içeriğindeki bilgilerin kullanılması nedeniyle hiç kimseye karşı sorumlu tutulamaz Mesajın yetkili alıcısı veya alıcısına iletmekten sorumlu kişi değilseniz, mesaj içeriğini ya da eklerini kullanmayınız, kopyalamayınız, yaymayınız, başka kişilere yönlendirmeyiniz ve mesajı gönderen kişiyi derhal uyararak bu mesajı siliniz. Kurumumuz size, mesajın ve bilgilerinin değişikliğe uğramaması, bütünlüğünün ve gizliliğin korunması konusunda garanti vermemekte olup, e-posta içeriğine yetkisiz olarak yapılan müdahale, virüs içermesi ve/veya bilgisayar sisteminize verebileceği herhangi bir zarardan da sorumlu değildir.

    This e-mail message, including any attachments, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and may contain confidential, private information as well as the exemption from disclosure. All ideas and opinions in this message and attached files can only belong to the addressee(s) and TUBITAK MRC shall have no liability to any person with regard to the use of the information contained in this message If you are not the intended addressee(s) or responsible person to inform the addressee(s), you are hereby notified that; any use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this message and attached files is strictly prohibited. Delete the message and notify the sender immediately. TUBITAK MRC do not warrant for the accuracy, completeness of the contents of this email and/or the preservation of confidentiality and shall not be liable for the unauthorized changes made to this message, viruses and/or any damages caused in anyway to your computer system

    • jenni
      2011-06-09 18:12:44
      All sac user:

      @Thank you for the explanation, Dr. Onur.
      But I still have problem regarding my second question. I have my polezero
      file, but when I did as you suggest: from polezero to *.pz (e.g.polezero
      file obtained from,
      I got the error message:
      ERROR interpreting command: trans from polezero s' to '
      Unkown instrument type:

      Could anyone please help me to point out the mistake I made and tell me the
      right command to apply to get the convolution done?


      On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Onur Tan <Onur.Tan<at>> wrote:


      1. I have a seismogram waveform which is velocity record from velocity
      transducer. I have the response instrument read with rdseed and the RESP.*
      is the velocity response, but the pole zero is displacement response. My
      question: When I apply trans from polezero ..., using that polezero obtained
      from rdseed, do I get the velocity ground motion (m/s or nm/s, etc. ) or do
      I get displacement ground motion?

      your input velocity PZ file must have an additional ZERO for SAC. SAC
      integrates the data with that ZERO. if you say "to none" your output will be
      disp. (m) ; if you say "to vel" you will get velocity (m/s)

      2. After the deconvolution with the transfer command, can I do the
      convolution to apply another instrument response of the instrument types
      that are not in the list in sac reference manual? If yes, how can I do it?
      If not, would anyone please tell me the source where I can get the frequency
      response and polezero of the instrument types in the sac manual since I am
      trying to compare records that could be obtained from different instruments
      with different response.

      you need a PZ file of output instruments. you can say "from polezero
      to new-polezero".

      best regards

      Dr. Onur TAN
      ---------------------------------------------- 40.7866N 29.4500E
      TÜBİTAK Marmara Araştırma Merkezi, Yer ve Deniz Bilimleri Enstitüsü
      TUBITAK Marmara Research Center, Earth and Marine Sciences Institute
      Gebze - Kocaeli - TURKEY

      Bu e-posta mesajı ve onunla iletilen tüm ekler gönderildiği kişi ya da
      kuruma özel olup, gizli ve özel bilgiler içerebileceği gibi gizlilik
      yükümlülüğü de taşıyor olabilir. Bu mesajda ve ekindeki dosyalarda bulunan
      tüm fikir ve görüşler sadece adres sahip(ler)ine ait olup, TÜBİTAK MAM bu
      e-posta içeriğindeki bilgilerin kullanılması nedeniyle hiç kimseye karşı
      sorumlu tutulamaz Mesajın yetkili alıcısı veya alıcısına iletmekten sorumlu
      kişi değilseniz, mesaj içeriğini ya da eklerini kullanmayınız,
      kopyalamayınız, yaymayınız, başka kişilere yönlendirmeyiniz ve mesajı
      gönderen kişiyi derhal uyararak bu mesajı siliniz. Kurumumuz size, mesajın
      ve bilgilerinin değişikliğe uğramaması, bütünlüğünün ve gizliliğin korunması
      konusunda garanti vermemekte olup, e-posta içeriğine yetkisiz olarak yapılan
      müdahale, virüs içermesi ve/veya bilgisayar sisteminize verebileceği
      herhangi bir zarardan da sorumlu değildir.

      This e-mail message, including any attachments, is intended only for the
      use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and may contain
      confidential, private information as well as the exemption from disclosure.
      All ideas and opinions in this message and attached files can only belong to
      the addressee(s) and TUBITAK MRC shall have no liability to any person with
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      email and/or the preservation of confidentiality and shall not be liable for
      the unauthorized changes made to this message, viruses and/or any damages
      caused in anyway to your computer system

      sac-help mailing list

      • Arthur Snoke
        2011-06-09 13:44:11
        for your first question, you might consider using the evalresp option in
        transfer. Also, polezero files written using recent versions of rdseed
        have comment lines that give details about things like the input and
        output units. (Do note that rdseed uses m and SAC header says nm.
        See the transfer help message for a discussion.)

        For your second question, it would help if you copied/pasted the command
        sequence into an e-mail message.

        On Thu, 9 Jun 2011, jenni wang wrote:

        All sac user:

        @Thank you for the explanation, Dr. Onur.
        But I still have problem regarding my second question. I have my polezero
        file, but when I did as you suggest: from polezero to *.pz (e.g.polezero
        file obtained from
        n-chart), I got the error message:
        ERROR interpreting command: trans from polezero s'  to '
        Unkown instrument type:

        Could anyone please help me to point out the mistake I made and tell me the
        right command to apply to get the convolution done?


        On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Onur Tan <Onur.Tan<at>> wrote:

        1. I have a seismogram waveform which is velocity record from
        velocity transducer. I have the response instrument read with
        rdseed and the RESP.* is the velocity response, but the pole
        zero is displacement response. My question: When I apply trans
        from polezero ..., using that polezero obtained from rdseed, do
        I get the velocity ground motion (m/s or nm/s, etc. ) or do I
        get displacement ground motion?

        your input velocity PZ file must have an additional ZERO for SAC. SAC
        integrates the data with that ZERO. if you say “to none” your output
        will be disp. (m) ; if you say “to vel” you will get velocity (m/s)

        2. After the deconvolution with the transfer command, can I do the
        convolution to apply another instrument response of the instrument
        types that are not in the list in sac reference manual? If yes, how
        can I do it? If not, would anyone please tell me the source where I
        can get the frequency response and polezero of the instrument types in
        the sac manual since I am trying to compare  records that could be
        obtained from different instruments with different response.

        you need a PZ file of output instruments. you can say  “from
        polezero to new-polezero”.

        best regards
        • jenni
          2011-06-10 19:50:56
          @Thank you for the info, Arthur. Is there any difference by applying
          polezero or evalresp?

          I got error with this command:
          trans from polezero s %pzfile to polezero s 1s.pz

          Could anyone please help to find out the mistake I make?


          On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 12:44 PM, Arthur Snoke <snoke<at>> wrote:

          for your first question, you might consider using the evalresp option in
          transfer. Also, polezero files written using recent versions of rdseed have
          comment lines that give details about things like the input and output
          units. (Do note that rdseed uses m and SAC header says nm. See the transfer
          help message for a discussion.)

          For your second question, it would help if you copied/pasted the command
          sequence into an e-mail message.

          On Thu, 9 Jun 2011, jenni wang wrote:

          All sac user:

          @Thank you for the explanation, Dr. Onur.
          But I still have problem regarding my second question. I have my polezero
          file, but when I did as you suggest: from polezero to *.pz (e.g.polezero
          file obtained fromhttp://

          n-chart), I got the error message:
          ERROR interpreting command: trans from polezero s' to '
          Unkown instrument type:

          Could anyone please help me to point out the mistake I made and tell me
          right command to apply to get the convolution done?


          On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Onur Tan <Onur.Tan<at>> wrote:

          1. I have a seismogram waveform which is velocity record from
          velocity transducer. I have the response instrument read with
          rdseed and the RESP.* is the velocity response, but the pole
          zero is displacement response. My question: When I apply trans
          from polezero ..., using that polezero obtained from rdseed, do
          I get the velocity ground motion (m/s or nm/s, etc. ) or do I
          get displacement ground motion?

          your input velocity PZ file must have an additional ZERO for SAC. SAC
          integrates the data with that ZERO. if you say “to none” your output
          will be disp. (m) ; if you say “to vel” you will get velocity (m/s)

          2. After the deconvolution with the transfer command, can I do the
          convolution to apply another instrument response of the instrument
          types that are not in the list in sac reference manual? If yes, how
          can I do it? If not, would anyone please tell me the source where I
          can get the frequency response and polezero of the instrument types in
          the sac manual since I am trying to compare records that could be
          obtained from different instruments with different response.

          you need a PZ file of output instruments. you can say “from
          polezero to new-polezero”.

          best regards

          • Milton Plasencia
            2011-06-11 17:21:21

            Hi Jenni,
            yes, there is different, evalresp use the Response file that
            is the "complete" response of the system, instead the polezero
            only include the poles and zeros of sensor and constant can
            include the amplitude factor of the digitizer.

            For debugging the transfer command you can start using the half of
            sac> trans from polezero s polezero_file to none

            and after add the second part, i suspect of use the second part,
            verify the path of the 1s.pz file,



            Milton P. PLASENCIA LINARES

            Dipartimento Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche
            Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale - OGS

            Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/C
            (34010) Sgonico - TRIESTE - ITALIA
            Tel: +39-040-2140136
            Fax: +39-040-327307

            E-mail: mplasencia<at>

            ASAIN (Antarctic Seismographic Argentinean Italian Network)

            Quoting "jenni wang" <u2injesus<at>>:

            @Thank you for the info, Arthur. Is there any difference by applying
            polezero or evalresp?

            I got error with this command:
            trans from polezero s %pzfile to polezero s 1s.pz

            Could anyone please help to find out the mistake I make?


            On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 12:44 PM, Arthur Snoke <snoke<at>> wrote:

            for your first question, you might consider using the evalresp option in
            transfer. Also, polezero files written using recent versions of rdseed have
            comment lines that give details about things like the input and output
            units. (Do note that rdseed uses m and SAC header says nm. See the transfer
            help message for a discussion.)

            For your second question, it would help if you copied/pasted the command
            sequence into an e-mail message.

            On Thu, 9 Jun 2011, jenni wang wrote:

            All sac user:

            @Thank you for the explanation, Dr. Onur.
            But I still have problem regarding my second question. I have my polezero
            file, but when I did as you suggest: from polezero to *.pz (e.g.polezero
            file obtained fromhttp://

            n-chart), I got the error message:
            ERROR interpreting command: trans from polezero s' to '
            Unkown instrument type:

            Could anyone please help me to point out the mistake I made and tell me
            right command to apply to get the convolution done?


            On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Onur Tan <Onur.Tan<at>> wrote:

            1. I have a seismogram waveform which is velocity record from
            velocity transducer. I have the response instrument read with
            rdseed and the RESP.* is the velocity response, but the pole
            zero is displacement response. My question: When I apply trans
            from polezero ..., using that polezero obtained from rdseed, do
            I get the velocity ground motion (m/s or nm/s, etc. ) or do I
            get displacement ground motion?

            your input velocity PZ file must have an additional ZERO for SAC. SAC
            integrates the data with that ZERO. if you say ?to none? your output
            will be disp. (m) ; if you say ?to vel? you will get velocity (m/s)

            2. After the deconvolution with the transfer command, can I do the
            convolution to apply another instrument response of the instrument
            types that are not in the list in sac reference manual? If yes, how
            can I do it? If not, would anyone please tell me the source where I
            can get the frequency response and polezero of the instrument types in
            the sac manual since I am trying to compare records that could be
            obtained from different instruments with different response.

            you need a PZ file of output instruments. you can say ?from
            polezero to new-polezero?.

            best regards

            This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

23:20:22 v.af9cd46b