Thread: 2020 SSA Session: Earthquake Science, Hazards, and Policy in Cascadia

Started: 2021-01-11 09:48:08
Last activity: 2021-01-11 09:48:08
Topics: SSA Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to the SSA 2020 session “Earthquake
Science, Hazards, and Policy in Cascadia”. Please consider submitting
here, we are interested in a wide range of topics related to Cascadia
earthquake science.

The Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) is the most densely populated subduction
zone in the United States that is capable of producing megathrust
earthquakes of approximately magnitude 9 (M9), yet its historical seismic
quiescence contributes to its status as an “end-member” global subduction
zone with respect to seismic activity. Recent years have brought a rapid
increase in fundamental earthquake scientific knowledge about the region,
through both observational studies such as the Cascadia Initiative,
shoreline-crossing work, seafloor geodetic advancements, and geophysical
network buildout, as well as extensive geophysical modeling work. Recent
projects such as the National Science Foundation-funded “M9 Project” have
inspired integration of earthquake ground motion simulations with tsunami,
ground failure, and structural engineering studies, as well as social and
behavioral sciences, planning and policy. Beyond these recent advances,
Cascadia is home to large stakeholder companies involved in technological
development and cloud computing infrastructure.

This session will highlight advances across earthquake hazards studies
related to Cascadia earthquakes and their cascading hazards. We welcome
submissions that fall within or across any of these categories, including
both onshore and offshore observational and modeling work; geologic and
geophysical earthquake studies in the CSZ; hazards-focused work including
developments in earthquake recurrence, source physics, ground motion
estimation, seismic hazard analyses, ground failure, and tsunami studies;
as well as social and behavioral sciences and planning studies related to
the interpretation and application of recent scientific developments to
quantify and reduce risk in the region.

Valerie Sahakian (University of Oregon)
Erin Wirth (University of Washington)
Janet Watt (USGS Santa Cruz)
Carlos Molina-Hutt (University of British Columbia)
Grace Parker (USGS Moffett Field)
Ann Bostrom (University of Washington)

Submissions are due January 13th, 5pm PST:

Valerie Sahakian (she/her)
Assistant Professor
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Oregon*

**in Eugene, OR: Kalapuya Ilihi, *
*the traditional indigenous homeland *

*of the Kalapuya people*

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