2021-02-03 13:26:59
Dear Colleagues
This is a kind reminder that deadline is approaching for those planning to submit a paper to the BSSA Special Section on Fault Displacement and Near-Source Ground Motion Models
The Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (BSSA) solicits papers for a Special Section on Fault Displacement and Near-Source Ground Motion Models.
Reliable quantification of ground motions proximal to the source, and fault displacement caused by surface rupturing are primary concerns for site-specific Seismic Hazard Analyses (SHA) and Fault Displacement Hazard Analyses (FDHA). Such analyses are crucial for critical infrastructure projects near or crossing active faults such as nuclear power plants, nuclear waste repositories, pipelines, high-rise buildings, long-span bridges, chemical plants, dams, etc. These hazard analyses require integration of the best available information about how surface rupture, near-fault ground motions and permanent ground displacements are controlled by region-specific geology, site effects, seismic sources and near-source propagation.
The development of reliable empirical models to predict fault displacement and near-source ground motion based on observations from damaging earthquakes is hampered because of the sparseness of observed data. However, recent observations of fault displacement and very near-source ground motion, and recent advances of physical models have revealed complex, source-dominated phenomena beyond what current empirical predictive models capture. The purpose of this special issue is to summarize and explore these issues, and quantify uncertainties so that engineering solutions are based on sound physical models and/or robust empirical characterizations.
We invite papers summarizing the developments of fault displacement and very-near source ground motion models, as well as summaries and analyses of observations in recent earthquakes. The scaling of near-source motions and fault displacements over a range of magnitude scales from moderate to large is of interest. Within these mentioned topics, we welcome studies that: summarize the state-of-the-art in modeling research, technology and practices; present or interpret important empirical datasets; describe current issues, present innovative new models or propose engineering solutions for applications in SHA and FDHA; or demonstrate how to turn research findings into practical applications. Studies that address the uncertainty quantification from a range of disciplines are very welcome. The dissemination of science solutions into practice of SHA, FDHA and engineering problems with the uncertainties fully considered is our final goal.
The guest editors for this special issue are:
Luis A. Dalguer (3Q-Lab GmbH, Switzerland)
Steven Day (San Diego State University, USA)
Gail Atkinson (University of Western Ontario, Canada)
Rui Chen (California Geological Survey, USA)
The deadline for submission of manuscripts is 15 February 2021.
Papers submitted in advance of the deadline will be reviewed as they are received and published online soon after they are accepted for publication, in advance of the print issue, which is scheduled for October 2021. In preparing manuscripts, authors must follow BSSA’s author guidelines at https://www.seismosoc.org/publications/bssa-submission-guidelines/. Papers must be submitted via BSSA’s online submission system (www.edmgr.com/bssa).
Please address questions about scientific issues to Luis A. Dalguer at luis.dalguer<at>alumni.ethz.ch or to Thomas Pratt, BSSA Editor-in-Chief, at bssaeditor<at>seismosoc.org. Submission-related questions should be addressed at bssamss<at>seismosoc.org.
Please feel free to circulate this announcement to people and groups interested in the topics.
Luis Angel DALGUER, Dr. Sci., Dr. Eng.
Seismologist and Structural Engineer
3Q-Lab GmbH
Eichelackerstrasse 15
CH-8106 Adlikon
tel: +41-79-448-2254
e-mail: luis.dalguer<at>alumni.ethz.ch
This is a kind reminder that deadline is approaching for those planning to submit a paper to the BSSA Special Section on Fault Displacement and Near-Source Ground Motion Models
The Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (BSSA) solicits papers for a Special Section on Fault Displacement and Near-Source Ground Motion Models.
Reliable quantification of ground motions proximal to the source, and fault displacement caused by surface rupturing are primary concerns for site-specific Seismic Hazard Analyses (SHA) and Fault Displacement Hazard Analyses (FDHA). Such analyses are crucial for critical infrastructure projects near or crossing active faults such as nuclear power plants, nuclear waste repositories, pipelines, high-rise buildings, long-span bridges, chemical plants, dams, etc. These hazard analyses require integration of the best available information about how surface rupture, near-fault ground motions and permanent ground displacements are controlled by region-specific geology, site effects, seismic sources and near-source propagation.
The development of reliable empirical models to predict fault displacement and near-source ground motion based on observations from damaging earthquakes is hampered because of the sparseness of observed data. However, recent observations of fault displacement and very near-source ground motion, and recent advances of physical models have revealed complex, source-dominated phenomena beyond what current empirical predictive models capture. The purpose of this special issue is to summarize and explore these issues, and quantify uncertainties so that engineering solutions are based on sound physical models and/or robust empirical characterizations.
We invite papers summarizing the developments of fault displacement and very-near source ground motion models, as well as summaries and analyses of observations in recent earthquakes. The scaling of near-source motions and fault displacements over a range of magnitude scales from moderate to large is of interest. Within these mentioned topics, we welcome studies that: summarize the state-of-the-art in modeling research, technology and practices; present or interpret important empirical datasets; describe current issues, present innovative new models or propose engineering solutions for applications in SHA and FDHA; or demonstrate how to turn research findings into practical applications. Studies that address the uncertainty quantification from a range of disciplines are very welcome. The dissemination of science solutions into practice of SHA, FDHA and engineering problems with the uncertainties fully considered is our final goal.
The guest editors for this special issue are:
Luis A. Dalguer (3Q-Lab GmbH, Switzerland)
Steven Day (San Diego State University, USA)
Gail Atkinson (University of Western Ontario, Canada)
Rui Chen (California Geological Survey, USA)
The deadline for submission of manuscripts is 15 February 2021.
Papers submitted in advance of the deadline will be reviewed as they are received and published online soon after they are accepted for publication, in advance of the print issue, which is scheduled for October 2021. In preparing manuscripts, authors must follow BSSA’s author guidelines at https://www.seismosoc.org/publications/bssa-submission-guidelines/. Papers must be submitted via BSSA’s online submission system (www.edmgr.com/bssa).
Please address questions about scientific issues to Luis A. Dalguer at luis.dalguer<at>alumni.ethz.ch or to Thomas Pratt, BSSA Editor-in-Chief, at bssaeditor<at>seismosoc.org. Submission-related questions should be addressed at bssamss<at>seismosoc.org.
Please feel free to circulate this announcement to people and groups interested in the topics.
Luis Angel DALGUER, Dr. Sci., Dr. Eng.
Seismologist and Structural Engineer
3Q-Lab GmbH
Eichelackerstrasse 15
CH-8106 Adlikon
tel: +41-79-448-2254
e-mail: luis.dalguer<at>alumni.ethz.ch