Thread: taup_setsac errors in setting theoretical arrival times of phases

Started: 2011-06-27 19:58:42
Last activity: 2011-06-27 19:58:42
Topics: SAC Help
Dear Friends and Colleagues:

In an attempt to put the theoretical arrival times in SAC headers, I have
used a program contained in TAU_P package, called "taup_setsac". I called
this program both within and without SAC environment but I always get the
following error:

SAC> taup_setsac -ph P -evdpkm -verbose GRA1.Z
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException

Does anyone know what goes wrong? Or are there alternative ways to do the

I have SAC 101.4 running on Fedora14 with Java SE build 1.6.0_25-b06.
The other TAUP programs run without any error.

Thank you in advance for your hints.


  • As noted in the traveltime help file that comes with version 101.4,
    traveltime in IRIS/SAC does not work. although not directly related to
    your quesiton, I would appreciate it if anyone has succeeded in getting
    something like the iaspei-tau program ttimes working in C. If so, please
    send me the source as I would like to fix at least that part of the
    sss/traveltime command.

    What you have done is very similar to what is suggested in the SAC help
    escept you leave out the sc and the -1 in P-1. On my mac (OS 10.6) I
    reproduced the results in the help file with a line like yours:

    SAC> taup_setsac -evdpkm -ph P -verbose test.z
    Using gcarc: 3.3574646
    test.z searching for P
    P: P END
    0 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 0
    minRayParam=254.33137581441554 maxRayParam=1098.448275862069
    minDistance=0.0 maxDistance=98.39983407057541
    test.z 5 arrivals found.
    test.z phase found P -> t0, travel time=64.63958
    test.z phase found P -> t0, travel time=64.35809
    test.z phase found P -> t0, travel time=60.571896
    test.z phase found P -> t0, travel time=60.38368
    test.z phase found P -> t0, travel time=53.694054
    SAC> r test.z
    SAC> lh amarker t1marker

    FILE: test.z - 1

    amarker = 10.47 t1marker = 10.494 (P)

    As you get the same error outside of SAC, it sounds like your immediate
    problem is with the taup on your system.

    On Mon, 27 Jun 2011, Alireza Alinaghi wrote:

    Dear Friends and Colleagues:

    In an attempt to put the theoretical arrival times in SAC headers, I
    have used a program contained in TAU_P package, called "taup_setsac".  I
    called this program both within and without SAC environment but I always
    get the following error:

    SAC> taup_setsac -ph P -evdpkm -verbose GRA1.Z
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException

    Does anyone know what goes wrong? Or are there alternative ways to do
    the job?

    I have SAC 101.4 running on Fedora14 with Java SE  build 1.6.0_25-b06.
    The other TAUP programs run without any error.

    Thank you in advance for your hints.

  • Hi

    What version of TauP are you using?

    I think this bug has been fixed in the beta version, 2.0beta9
    available at
    and so you might want to try that if you still have problems.


    On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 6:58 AM, Alireza Alinaghi
    <alireza.alinaghi<at>> wrote:
    Dear Friends and Colleagues:
    In an attempt to put the theoretical arrival times in SAC headers, I have
    used a program contained in TAU_P package, called "taup_setsac".  I called
    this program both within and without SAC environment but I always get the
    following error:
    SAC> taup_setsac -ph P -evdpkm -verbose GRA1.Z
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    Does anyone know what goes wrong? Or are there alternative ways to do the
    I have SAC 101.4 running on Fedora14 with Java SE  build 1.6.0_25-b06.
    The other TAUP programs run without any error.
    Thank you in advance for your hints.
    sac-help mailing list

10:30:19 v.af9cd46b