I am working with SAC currently and when I have a
plot open, I cannot close it no matter what.
I tried the 'quitsub' command but it is giving
me a "sh:quitsub not found" error which is strange
because I tried 'fft' and that worked. I am trying to
quit the plot because I want to change directory but
as long as a plot is open I don't think it will let me.
What can I do?
Thank you for your help.
I am working with SAC currently and when I have a
plot open, I cannot close it no matter what.
I tried the 'quitsub' command but it is giving
me a "sh:quitsub not found" error which is strange
because I tried 'fft' and that worked. I am trying to
quit the plot because I want to change directory but
as long as a plot is open I don't think it will let me.
What can I do?
Thank you for your help.
One way is to enter bd sgf and then follow it with bd x.
On Mon, 27 Jun 2011, rc202388<at>ucla.edu wrote:
I am working with SAC currently and when I have a
plot open, I cannot close it no matter what.
I tried the 'quitsub' command but it is giving
me a "sh:quitsub not found" error which is strange
because I tried 'fft' and that worked. I am trying to
quit the plot because I want to change directory but
as long as a plot is open I don't think it will let me.
What can I do?
Thank you for your help.
sac-help mailing list
Quitsub only works if you had open the sac subprocess:
SES Spectral Estimation Subproess, or
SSS_ Signal Stacking Subprocess
The only way of closing the plot window is running inicm command,
but, it delete also your data in memory, and initialize sac for a
new session.
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Quoting rc202388<at>ucla.edu:
I am working with SAC currently and when I have a
plot open, I cannot close it no matter what.
I tried the 'quitsub' command but it is giving
me a "sh:quitsub not found" error which is strange
because I tried 'fft' and that worked. I am trying to
quit the plot because I want to change directory but
as long as a plot is open I don't think it will let me.
What can I do?
Thank you for your help.
sac-help mailing list
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