Thread: SAC with shell script

Started: 2011-06-27 22:40:38
Last activity: 2011-07-08 05:11:33
Topics: SAC Help
Geo .
2011-06-27 22:40:38
Is there any possibility that SAC developers could add documentation on
calling SAC within a Shell script to the SAC User guide? This is an area I
repeatedly had problems with and haven't found a robust solution yet. The
external documentation that I have found online haven't been that helpful

Thank you.


  • Arthur Snoke
    2011-07-08 05:11:33
    There wilol be a new help file with examples in version 101.5, which
    should be out "soon."

    On Mon, 27 Jun 2011, Januka Attanayake wrote:

    Is there any possibility that SAC developers could add documentation on
    calling SAC within a Shell script to the SAC User guide? This is an area I
    repeatedly had problems with and haven't found a robust solution yet. The
    external documentation that I have found online haven't been that helpful

    Thank you.


    • Januka Attanayake
      2011-07-08 02:20:06
      Thanks a lot Arthur!


      From: Arthur Snoke <snoke<at>>
      To: Januka Attanayake <jattanayake<at>>
      Cc: sac-help<at>
      Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2011 10:11 PM
      Subject: Re: [SAC-HELP] SAC with shell script

      There wilol be a new help file with examples in version 101.5, which
      should be out "soon."

      On Mon, 27 Jun 2011, Januka Attanayake wrote:

      Is there any possibility that SAC developers could add documentation on
      calling SAC within a Shell script to the SAC User guide? This is an area I
      repeatedly had problems with and haven't found a robust solution yet. The
      external documentation that I have found online haven't been that helpful

      Thank you.


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