Thread: COSEG Spring Meeting 2021 - Register Now!

Started: 2021-03-17 13:49:53
Last activity: 2021-03-17 13:49:53
Glickson, Deborah
2021-03-17 13:49:53
Please see below the National Academies’ Committee on Solid Earth Geophysics is having its Spring Meeting on Novel Geophysical Datasets for Environmental Applications on March 23.
Thank you,
Deb Glickson



Novel Geophysical Datasets for Environmental Applications:
Moving from Discovering Signals to Societal Benefits

March 23, 2021 | 1:00 - 5:00 PM ET

Environmental seismology, geodesy, and geoelectrics are growing fields that use geophysical sensors in novel ways—beyond traditional applications—to learn about environmental conditions. These fields extend the well-established discipline of environmental geophysics by using large sensor networks, continuous timeseries, and high performance computing to develop new ways of looking at conventional data. Some links among disciplines have been underway for several years (e.g., hydrogeodesy), but many important questions remain and will be addressed during this meeting.

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