Thread: FW: BAA-2021-001 (for DOS/AVC V Fund solicitation) has been posted

Started: 2021-04-12 15:25:14
Last activity: 2021-04-12 15:25:14
Dear IRIS community:

You may find the broad agency announcement below to be of interest. Note that there are two geophysics-related topics (Nos.8 & 9 below), which cover active and passive seismic experiments, as well as historic seismic data rescue.

From: AVC BAA Inbox <AVC-BAA<at>>
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2021 2:01 PM
Subject: BAA-2021-001 (for DOS/AVC V Fund solicitation) has been posted

FYI, DOS/AVC V Fund BAA-2021-001 has been posted by DOS/AQM at

The 11 topics calling for proposals are:

(Strategic Diplomacy) Dialogue with China in the Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control Context
(Strategic/Nonproliferation) Placing Obstacles for Unauthorized Nuclear Weapons Development
(Strategic/Nonproliferation) Effective Verification for Nuclear Warhead Stockpile Limits
(BW) Promoting/Coordinating Capacity-Building to Support UNSGM for Investigations of Alleged BW Use
(BW) Increase Compliance with and Adherence to the BWC
(CW) Chemical Forensics
(CW) Identifying Additional Measures and Reinforcing Existing Measures to Deter Chemical Weapons Use
(Geophysics) Seismic Field Experiment(s) for Calibration
(Geophysics) Legacy Seismic Data Rescue for Explosion Monitoring Research
(Emerging Technology) Artificial Intelligence (AI) in U.S. and Adversary Command and Control (C2) Nuclear Force Structures; Implications for Nuclear Deterrence and Arms Control
(Strategic) Arms Control Item of Inspection (IOI) Automated Tracking and Reporting


AVC V Fund Coordinator

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