Thread: Postdoctoral Research Associate position to study earthquake triggering and forecasting - Imperial College London, UK

Started: 2021-05-17 09:32:38
Last activity: 2021-05-17 09:32:38
Postdoctoral Research Associate position to study earthquake triggering and forecasting

Imperial College London
London, UK

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral Research Associate to study the physical and statistical correlations that may exist between induced or triggered seismicity, potential triggering factors and a range of measurable geological and geophysical attributes.

The successful candidate with join an interdisciplinary team bringing together academics and researchers from the fields of civil engineering, engineering seismology, seismology, geophysics and geology from the departments of Civil & Environmental Engineering and the Earth Science & Engineering.

The role will primarily involve the application of statistical techniques, such as regression analysis and more general geo-spatial analysis methods to datasets associated with induced earthquake activity. However, an understanding of the underlying geophysical processes will be of great value.

The project will focus upon the analysis of relatively small-magnitude induced earthquakes, but the inferences made from these relatively controlled environmental conditions may also have practical utility for improving forecasting of tectonic earthquake occurrence.

This is a fixed term position for one year, with a possibility for extension.

For more information:
Peter Stafford (Civil Engineering) - p.stafford<at><p.stafford<at>>
Saskia Goes (Earth Science and Engineering) - s.goes<at><s.goes<at>>
Alexander Whittaker (Earth Science and Engineering) - a.whittaker<at><a.whittaker<at>>

Other information, including how to apply can be found at:

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