Thread: Teaching Fellow in Field and Near-surface Geophysics

Started: 2021-05-24 16:24:50
Last activity: 2021-05-24 16:24:50
Victoria Murphy
2021-05-24 16:24:50
Institution: Imperial College London
Open Until: 2021-06-06

Job Summary: You will contribute to the mission of the Department of Earth Science and Engineering in undergraduate teaching of near surface geophysics and related administration. The Teaching Fellow is not expected to undertake subject-based research; this is a teaching and administrative post under the Professional, Technical and Operational Services – Learning and Teaching families.

Full details:

Duties and responsibilities
Your duties will include the following:

Contribute to the delivery of the undergraduate geophysics degree programme by teaching undergraduates in field geophysics and/or all areas of near-surface geophysics.
Be an enthusiastic and effective teacher of geophysical methods within the field, involved in all aspects of undergraduate geophysical fieldwork including the preparation of equipment for geophysical field studies, and the planning and execution of the field programme.
Contribute to small-group teaching of geophysics, including acting as personal tutor to individual students, leading tutorials and small-group seminars, and supervising undergraduate projects
To teach undergraduates as a member of the departmental teaching team within the established geoscience degree programme
To give lectures, seminars and tutorials, and lead practical classes
To teach geophysics in the field, and to organise and run geophysical field classes
Essential requirements
You must have:

A first degree (or equivalent) in geophysics or geoscience and either a relevant post-graduate qualification or significant post-graduate experience with the area of wider Earth sciences
Familiarity with a variety of strategies to promote and assess learning
Up-to-date specialist knowledge in depth and breadth of one or more core geophysical subjects, consistent with their delivery to honours level.
An ability to contribute to the delivery of the core geophysical undergraduate programme offered within the Department.
Further information
This is a fixed term contract from 1st September 2021 – 30th April 2022.

Should you require any further details on the role please contact: Dr Mark Sutton - m.sutton<at>

For technical issues when applying online please email<at>

Full details and to apply:
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