Thread: GSA Session on Rifts, Rifted Margins, Backarcs, and Spreading Ridges

Started: 2021-05-27 01:22:13
Last activity: 2021-05-27 01:22:13
Topics: GSA Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

We welcome submissions to the GSA Topical session:
T46. Rifts, Rifted Margins, Backarcs, and Spreading Ridges: Understanding Extensional Processes across Tectonic Settings and Time Scales.
Geophysics/Geodynamics | Structural Geology | Geochemistry

The GSA online abstract submission system opens on June 1:

Confirmed Invited Speakers & Topics:
Cynthia Ebinger (Tulane University): Testing rift linkage and plume models with new data from the Turkana Depression
Folarin Kolawole (BP America): How Do Continental Rifts Grow
James Biemiller (University of Texas at Austin): Linking tectonics/geology/geodesy to earthquake cycle models to better understand earthquake hazard potential in active rifts

Patricia Persaud (Louisiana State University)
Jolante van Wijk (Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico Tech)
Abah Omale (BP)
Jackson Borchardt (Rice University)

Endorsers: GSA Geophysics and Geodynamics Division; GSA Energy Geology Division

Submissions from early-career scientists are strongly encouraged.
We look forward to seeing you at the planned in-person meeting in Portland, Oregon in October!

Patricia, Jolante, Abah and Jackson

Session ID: T46
Brief description: This cross-disciplinary session on extensional systems welcomes presentations on structure, geochemistry, geophysics, geomorphology, hazards, and modeling that aim to understand linkages and feedbacks between processes and hazards in the solid Earth, hydrosphere and atmosphere.

Rationale for the session: This session invites contributions on rifts, rifted margins, backarcs and ridges that integrate cross-disciplinary data sets, approaches or viewpoints. The goal is to involve a broader community and to stimulate discussions on current research, state-of-the-art approaches, and emerging opportunities, but also multidisciplinary, process-oriented opportunities for research into lithospheric extensional systems. Despite the broad range of tectonic settings and societal impacts, research on extensional systems has remained mostly siloed with strong disciplinary and geographic boundaries. The next steps toward understanding lithosphere extension, however, require an integrative approach that considers how processes operate in an array of geological settings, from ridge to rift and in backarcs and broad continental extensional provinces. Processes must also be considered over time scales ranging from tens of millions of years to events that occur in moments, and space scales from intracrystalline creep mechanisms to plates. A multidisciplinary approach is therefore required, as these processes span an array of disciplines and encompass linkages and feedbacks between processes occurring in the solid Earth, hydrosphere and atmosphere. Invited speakers will give presentations conveying an integrated picture by bridging spatial or temporal scales.

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