I have a problem running a SAC macro (“mtrf”) on a Linux machine. It has the following lines:
77 * Read files to determine component orientations
78 rh %files%
79 do fn list %files%
80 if &1,filename& eq $fn$
81 setbb temp &1,cmpinc&
82 elseif &2,filename& eq $fn$
83 setbb temp &2,cmpinc&
84 else
85 setbb temp &3,cmpinc&
86 endif
87 if (abs (90 - %temp%)) lt 1
88 setbb hfiles APPEND " $fn$"
89 setbb rt APPEND (substring end end $fn$)
90 else
91 setbb zfile $fn$
92 endif
93 enddo
Trying to run this macro in SAC (version 102.0) it gives an error in line 87 not being able to understand the brackets (the error is “Unexpected character”, pointing to the first open bracket). This problem I could solve by introducing a line right before that and doing something like this:
setbb tmp_var (abs (90 - %temp%))
if tmp_var lt 1
Then it seemed to have a problem with the word “end” in line 89 and at the moment I’m not quite sure how to change this line to make it work. Also, in general, is there something fundamentally different in terms of syntax on this machine that I just missed so far, since it does not seem to be very happy with curved brackets?
Thank you very much!
David Schlaphorst
I have a problem running a SAC macro (“mtrf”) on a Linux machine. It has the following lines:
77 * Read files to determine component orientations
78 rh %files%
79 do fn list %files%
80 if &1,filename& eq $fn$
81 setbb temp &1,cmpinc&
82 elseif &2,filename& eq $fn$
83 setbb temp &2,cmpinc&
84 else
85 setbb temp &3,cmpinc&
86 endif
87 if (abs (90 - %temp%)) lt 1
88 setbb hfiles APPEND " $fn$"
89 setbb rt APPEND (substring end end $fn$)
90 else
91 setbb zfile $fn$
92 endif
93 enddo
Trying to run this macro in SAC (version 102.0) it gives an error in line 87 not being able to understand the brackets (the error is “Unexpected character”, pointing to the first open bracket). This problem I could solve by introducing a line right before that and doing something like this:
setbb tmp_var (abs (90 - %temp%))
if tmp_var lt 1
Then it seemed to have a problem with the word “end” in line 89 and at the moment I’m not quite sure how to change this line to make it work. Also, in general, is there something fundamentally different in terms of syntax on this machine that I just missed so far, since it does not seem to be very happy with curved brackets?
Thank you very much!
David Schlaphorst
Dear David Schlaphorst,
I am a regular MTRF user on a Linux machine, so I had a look at the
version that works for me on my system.The two differences from your
version are (i) the use of the blackboard variable as you'd mentioned,
(ii) the line with the "end end" is commented out. In fact, apart from
the initial definition setbb rt "" at the very beginning of the macro,
all references to this blackboard variable are commented out. Here is
the entire macro. I don't know if it's the latest version, but I've
been using it successfully for a few years now.
Best regards,
Fiona Darbyshire
Université du Québec à Montréal
* mtrf calculates receiver functions by multitaper cross-correlation in the
* frequency domain.
* It builds input and runs the receiver function program.
* Assumes A variable in file header set to begin of measurement interval, F
* variable set to end. If variables not set, then you are prompted.
* Other parameters:
* file xxxx - prefix to file names
* comps ce cn cz - three component suffixes, east north vertical components.
* File names are thus xxxx.ce xxxx.cn xxxx.cz, OK?
* plot yes - make SGF plot file and plot to screen
* plot no - plot only to screen (default)
* phase xxx - name of phase to measure, just a comment saved in file hdr.
* fmax xxx - max frequency to deal with in frequency domain.
* pick [ yes | maybe ] - If yes, force re-picking of seismogram even if
* A and F are set.
* window xxx - window length around arrival for display purposes.
* G. Helffrich/U. Bristol Jan-Oct. 2005
* Updated 8 Aug. 2013
* Assumes two programs are available in your search path:
* mtdecon, sacsetomarker.
* Assumes macros available in macro search path:
* prompt, ttimes
* There is a pause between panels of the results. If you are viewing them
* and wish to abort, respond by typing a nonblank response.
**** NOTE before opening any windows type the following command to get
* proper windowing
* window 1 x 0.05 0.80 y 0.05 0.74
* then type 'bd xwindow' or 'bd sunwindow' or 'bd macwindow'
* Copyright (c) 2013 by G. Helffrich.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source form, with or without
* modification, is permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer:
$keys file comps phase plot fmax pick window tables debug
$default phase default
$default plot no
$default fmax 3.0
$default pick maybe
$default window 120
$default tables ak135
$default debug no
setbb sta (CONCAT (BEFORE "." "$file$") ".dpar")
setbb pick $pick
setbb args ""
setbb files ""
setbb hfiles ""
setbb rfiles ""
setbb rt ""
setbb ok no
*echo on errors warnings output commands macros processed
* Build file names from prefix and suffix list
do sfx list $comps
setbb files APPEND " $file$.$sfx$"
* Check for upper/lower case suffixes
setbb case (change z Z "$sfx$")
if "$sfx$" eq "%case%"
setbb rfcns "$file$.NRFR $file$.NRFT $file$.NRFZ"
setbb rad (change Z R "$sfx$")
setbb tan (change Z T "$sfx$")
setbb radfile "$file$.%rad%"
setbb tanfile "$file$.%tan%"
setbb rfiles "%radfile% %tanfile%
setbb rfcns "$file$.nrfr $file$.nrft $file$.nrfz"
setbb rad (change z r "$sfx$")
setbb tan (change z t "$sfx$")
setbb radfile "$file$.%rad%"
setbb tanfile "$file$.%tan%"
setbb rfiles "%radfile% %tanfile%
* Read files to determine component orientations
rh %files%
do fn list %files%
if &1,filename& eq $fn$
setbb temp &1,cmpinc&
elseif &2,filename& eq $fn$
setbb temp &2,cmpinc&
setbb temp &3,cmpinc&
setbb incdiff (abs (90 - %temp%))
if %incdiff% lt 1
setbb hfiles APPEND " $fn$"
* setbb rt APPEND (substring end end $fn$)
setbb zfile $fn$
* Horizontal component suffixes to lower case for rt checking later
*setbb rt "(change R r (change T t %rt%))"
*if %rt% eq tr
* setbb rt rt
* Phase being measured is taken from KA marker in the file, if present.
if $phase eq default
if UNDEFINED ne &1,ka
setbb phase "&1,ka "
setbb phase P
setbb phase $phase
* Pass debug flags to program
if _no ne "_$debug$"
setbb args append " -debug $debug$"
do loopo list once
* if &1,a eq UNDEFINED
setbb pick yes
* endif
* Invite user to pick measurement window if not yet set. If no pick made,
* or picking declined, escape DO loop and don't measure.
if %pick% eq yes
r %files% ; rmean
setbb prompt (REPLY "Hit return, then pick window - A begins
window, F ends it ")
* Escape loop if no picking wanted after seismogram examined
if "%prompt%_" ne "_"
plotpk zero markall on bell off
* Escape loop if no picks made
if &1,a eq UNDEFINED
setbb beg &1,a& ; setbb end &1,f&
rh %files% ; ch a %beg f %end ka %phase ; wh
* Rotate horizontal components to radial-tangential frame
* if %rt% ne rt
r %hfiles% ; rmean ; rotate to gcp reversed ; w %rfiles%
message "%hfiles% rewritten as %rfiles%"
* endif
* Build input file for measurement program, then invoke it.
setbb ofiles "%rfcns%" ; setbb dur (&1,f& - &1,a&)
do f list %rfiles% %zfile%
setbb rff (before " " "%ofiles% ")
sc mtdecon -freq $fmax$ %args% -window &1,a &1,f -noise (&1,a& -
%dur%) &1,a& -wavelet &1,a& &1,f& %zfile% $f$ %rff%
setbb ofiles (after " " "%ofiles%")
* Write measurement parameters to station log file
sc echo "$file$ mtd $fmax$" >> %sta%
if _no ne _$plot
bd more sgf
setbb ok ok
r %rfcns% ; p1
if $plot$_no ne $plot$_%ok%
bd previous
unsetbb hfiles rfiles ofiles zfile sta rfcns rff rt ok
unsetbb prompt phase pick
On Sun, Jul 4, 2021 at 3:44 PM David Schlaphorst (via IRIS)
<sac-help-bounce<at>lists.ds.iris.edu> wrote:
I have a problem running a SAC macro (“mtrf”) on a Linux machine. It has the following lines:
77 * Read files to determine component orientations
78 rh %files%
79 do fn list %files%
80 if &1,filename& eq $fn$
81 setbb temp &1,cmpinc&
82 elseif &2,filename& eq $fn$
83 setbb temp &2,cmpinc&
84 else
85 setbb temp &3,cmpinc&
86 endif
87 if (abs (90 - %temp%)) lt 1
88 setbb hfiles APPEND " $fn$"
89 setbb rt APPEND (substring end end $fn$)
90 else
91 setbb zfile $fn$
92 endif
93 enddo
Trying to run this macro in SAC (version 102.0) it gives an error in line 87 not being able to understand the brackets (the error is “Unexpected character”, pointing to the first open bracket). This problem I could solve by introducing a line right before that and doing something like this:
setbb tmp_var (abs (90 - %temp%))
if tmp_var lt 1
Then it seemed to have a problem with the word “end” in line 89 and at the moment I’m not quite sure how to change this line to make it work. Also, in general, is there something fundamentally different in terms of syntax on this machine that I just missed so far, since it does not seem to be very happy with curved brackets?
Thank you very much!
David Schlaphorst
SAC Help
Topic home: http://ds.iris.edu/message-center/topic/sac-help/ | Unsubscribe: sac-help-unsubscribe<at>lists.ds.iris.edu
Sent from the IRIS Message Center (http://ds.iris.edu/message-center/)
Update subscription preferences at http://ds.iris.edu/account/profile/
Dear Fiona Darbyshire,
Thank you very much for this fast help. We made the changes now and they worked.
Kind regards,
On 5 Jul 2021, at 14:58, Fiona Darbyshire (via IRIS) <sac-help-bounce<at>lists.ds.iris.edu> wrote:
Dear David Schlaphorst,
I am a regular MTRF user on a Linux machine, so I had a look at the
version that works for me on my system.The two differences from your
version are (i) the use of the blackboard variable as you'd mentioned,
(ii) the line with the "end end" is commented out. In fact, apart from
the initial definition setbb rt "" at the very beginning of the macro,
all references to this blackboard variable are commented out. Here is
the entire macro. I don't know if it's the latest version, but I've
been using it successfully for a few years now.
Best regards,
Fiona Darbyshire
Université du Québec à Montréal
* mtrf calculates receiver functions by multitaper cross-correlation in the
* frequency domain.
* It builds input and runs the receiver function program.
* Assumes A variable in file header set to begin of measurement interval, F
* variable set to end. If variables not set, then you are prompted.
* Other parameters:
* file xxxx - prefix to file names
* comps ce cn cz - three component suffixes, east north vertical components.
* File names are thus xxxx.ce xxxx.cn xxxx.cz, OK?
* plot yes - make SGF plot file and plot to screen
* plot no - plot only to screen (default)
* phase xxx - name of phase to measure, just a comment saved in file hdr.
* fmax xxx - max frequency to deal with in frequency domain.
* pick [ yes | maybe ] - If yes, force re-picking of seismogram even if
* A and F are set.
* window xxx - window length around arrival for display purposes.
* G. Helffrich/U. Bristol Jan-Oct. 2005
* Updated 8 Aug. 2013
* Assumes two programs are available in your search path:
* mtdecon, sacsetomarker.
* Assumes macros available in macro search path:
* prompt, ttimes
* There is a pause between panels of the results. If you are viewing them
* and wish to abort, respond by typing a nonblank response.
**** NOTE before opening any windows type the following command to get
* proper windowing
* window 1 x 0.05 0.80 y 0.05 0.74
* then type 'bd xwindow' or 'bd sunwindow' or 'bd macwindow'
* Copyright (c) 2013 by G. Helffrich.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source form, with or without
* modification, is permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer:
$keys file comps phase plot fmax pick window tables debug
$default phase default
$default plot no
$default fmax 3.0
$default pick maybe
$default window 120
$default tables ak135
$default debug no
setbb sta (CONCAT (BEFORE "." "$file$") ".dpar")
setbb pick $pick
setbb args ""
setbb files ""
setbb hfiles ""
setbb rfiles ""
setbb rt ""
setbb ok no
*echo on errors warnings output commands macros processed
* Build file names from prefix and suffix list
do sfx list $comps
setbb files APPEND " $file$.$sfx$"
* Check for upper/lower case suffixes
setbb case (change z Z "$sfx$")
if "$sfx$" eq "%case%"
setbb rfcns "$file$.NRFR $file$.NRFT $file$.NRFZ"
setbb rad (change Z R "$sfx$")
setbb tan (change Z T "$sfx$")
setbb radfile "$file$.%rad%"
setbb tanfile "$file$.%tan%"
setbb rfiles "%radfile% %tanfile%
setbb rfcns "$file$.nrfr $file$.nrft $file$.nrfz"
setbb rad (change z r "$sfx$")
setbb tan (change z t "$sfx$")
setbb radfile "$file$.%rad%"
setbb tanfile "$file$.%tan%"
setbb rfiles "%radfile% %tanfile%
* Read files to determine component orientations
rh %files%
do fn list %files%
if &1,filename& eq $fn$
setbb temp &1,cmpinc&
elseif &2,filename& eq $fn$
setbb temp &2,cmpinc&
setbb temp &3,cmpinc&
setbb incdiff (abs (90 - %temp%))
if %incdiff% lt 1
setbb hfiles APPEND " $fn$"
* setbb rt APPEND (substring end end $fn$)
setbb zfile $fn$
* Horizontal component suffixes to lower case for rt checking later
*setbb rt "(change R r (change T t %rt%))"
*if %rt% eq tr
* setbb rt rt
* Phase being measured is taken from KA marker in the file, if present.
if $phase eq default
if UNDEFINED ne &1,ka
setbb phase "&1,ka "
setbb phase P
setbb phase $phase
* Pass debug flags to program
if _no ne "_$debug$"
setbb args append " -debug $debug$"
do loopo list once
* if &1,a eq UNDEFINED
setbb pick yes
* endif
* Invite user to pick measurement window if not yet set. If no pick made,
* or picking declined, escape DO loop and don't measure.
if %pick% eq yes
r %files% ; rmean
setbb prompt (REPLY "Hit return, then pick window - A begins
window, F ends it ")
* Escape loop if no picking wanted after seismogram examined
if "%prompt%_" ne "_"
plotpk zero markall on bell off
* Escape loop if no picks made
if &1,a eq UNDEFINED
setbb beg &1,a& ; setbb end &1,f&
rh %files% ; ch a %beg f %end ka %phase ; wh
* Rotate horizontal components to radial-tangential frame
* if %rt% ne rt
r %hfiles% ; rmean ; rotate to gcp reversed ; w %rfiles%
message "%hfiles% rewritten as %rfiles%"
* endif
* Build input file for measurement program, then invoke it.
setbb ofiles "%rfcns%" ; setbb dur (&1,f& - &1,a&)
do f list %rfiles% %zfile%
setbb rff (before " " "%ofiles% ")
sc mtdecon -freq $fmax$ %args% -window &1,a &1,f -noise (&1,a& -
%dur%) &1,a& -wavelet &1,a& &1,f& %zfile% $f$ %rff%
setbb ofiles (after " " "%ofiles%")
* Write measurement parameters to station log file
sc echo "$file$ mtd $fmax$" >> %sta%
if _no ne _$plot
bd more sgf
setbb ok ok
r %rfcns% ; p1
if $plot$_no ne $plot$_%ok%
bd previous
unsetbb hfiles rfiles ofiles zfile sta rfcns rff rt ok
unsetbb prompt phase pick
On Sun, Jul 4, 2021 at 3:44 PM David Schlaphorst (via IRIS)
<sac-help-bounce<at>lists.ds.iris.edu> wrote:
I have a problem running a SAC macro (“mtrf”) on a Linux machine. It has the following lines:
77 * Read files to determine component orientations
78 rh %files%
79 do fn list %files%
80 if &1,filename& eq $fn$
81 setbb temp &1,cmpinc&
82 elseif &2,filename& eq $fn$
83 setbb temp &2,cmpinc&
84 else
85 setbb temp &3,cmpinc&
86 endif
87 if (abs (90 - %temp%)) lt 1
88 setbb hfiles APPEND " $fn$"
89 setbb rt APPEND (substring end end $fn$)
90 else
91 setbb zfile $fn$
92 endif
93 enddo
Trying to run this macro in SAC (version 102.0) it gives an error in line 87 not being able to understand the brackets (the error is “Unexpected character”, pointing to the first open bracket). This problem I could solve by introducing a line right before that and doing something like this:
setbb tmp_var (abs (90 - %temp%))
if tmp_var lt 1
Then it seemed to have a problem with the word “end” in line 89 and at the moment I’m not quite sure how to change this line to make it work. Also, in general, is there something fundamentally different in terms of syntax on this machine that I just missed so far, since it does not seem to be very happy with curved brackets?
Thank you very much!
David Schlaphorst
SAC Help
Topic home: http://ds.iris.edu/message-center/topic/sac-help/ | Unsubscribe: sac-help-unsubscribe<at>lists.ds.iris.edu
Sent from the IRIS Message Center (http://ds.iris.edu/message-center/)
Update subscription preferences at http://ds.iris.edu/account/profile/
SAC Help
Topic home: http://ds.iris.edu/message-center/topic/sac-help/ | Unsubscribe: sac-help-unsubscribe<at>lists.ds.iris.edu
Sent from the IRIS Message Center (http://ds.iris.edu/message-center/)
Update subscription preferences at http://ds.iris.edu/account/profile/